Episode 7[1/3]

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Rachel : Fine then Go..(She was just staring at me like I had grown two heads..I can't lose my Jimin to her..She was standing beside the pool and I knew she couldn't swim..Well I heard it from Adam since he was her classmate he knew the key information..I pushed her with force into the pool and weirdly felt satisfied seeing her struggle and go deep beneath the bottom of the pool..Thank God it's evening and nobody is here..But before I could leave the place someone just jumped into the pool splashing water on me in the force..Damn I'm dead..Who was it anyways ?? Weren't we alone when we came here ?? Should I just leave before he rescues her and comes up ?? Goddamn I should now call Michael and that Old man to help me out in case I end up getting into trouble)
After a few minutes
Fritz : Y/N can you hear me ?? Can you hear me
Y/N ??( I asked her while tapping on both shoulders..How did she end up inside the pool and what was Rachel doing here ?? Tilting her head slightly I lifted her chin to open the airway..I was about to start the resuscitation but she coughed out the water and started breathing slowly.. Making sure she can hear me and is breathing I carried her to the emergency ward to give the further treatment..Thank God she is alright or else Michael would have gone crazy now.. Making her lay on a bed in the emergency ward I saw her mumbling something.. Listening closely to her she was saying Jimin's name.. Assuring her I will call him and he would be there soon I left to call Michael and my brother Frank)
Meanwhile in an empty lecture hall
Micheal : Rachel I swear I will send you to hell if something goes wrong with Y/N..Pray that she is safe..
Rachel : If you want her that badly then take her from here..Why the hell would you let her be close with Jimin??
Micheal : For devil's sake that Freaking Park Jimin is her mentor then what do you expect her to be on earth and him to be in Jupiter with Juno??
Rachel : Stop getting on my nerves Mickey..I spoke to that Old man and he wants to meet us all tonight without fail..
Micheal : Knew it..I knew it well that would call Dad to clean your mess..(I got a call making me divert my attention from Rachel to the one who called me)
On call
Micheal : What is it now Fritz??
Fritz : Mickey Y/N is there in the emergency ward..Come quickly before someone else rushes to treat her..
Micheal : I will be there..Call Frank to attend her before someone else comes..
Fritz : Okay..Be quick..
End of call
Micheal : Take Adam home with you later..I will come along with Frank and Fritz..
Rachel : Fine.. I'm leaving now..
In the emergency ward
Yoongi : Are there any patients to see ??
Nurse : Yes doctor..A student was taken into a special ward by an intern..He left for a call I think..
Yoongi : How long has it been ??
Nurse : Around 10 minutes
Yoongi : And you are informing now ?? Who was the intern ??(I started walking towards the special ward in the emergency ward)
Nurse : It was Fritz Wellington who brought the patient..The patient is a female student doctor..
Yoongi : Why was she brought??
Nurse : I didn't-
Frank : Oh Dr Min Yoongi don't worry about that patient I will look at her..
Yoongi : It's alright just a few more steps and I can check the patient by myself..
Frank : You just finished your daily duty rounds..You can rest a bit..I will check the patient..I heard from an intern it's nothing serious..
Yoongi : Who is the head of this department Dr Frank Wellington??
Frank : It's you..
Yoongi : Exactly..And I know what I'm doing so leave and check other patients that you have to check..
Micheal : Dr Min could you please come with me to check a patient?? It's an emergency..
Yoongi : Oh that's good too Dr Frank accompany Dr Michael to check the patient..
Frank : Okay Dr Min (Goddamnit we are doomed)
Micheal : But-
Frank : Let's go Michael..
Yoongi POV
The suspicion I had because of Michael Black, Fritz Wellington and Frank Wellington all got cleared once I opened the door to the special ward room and saw the patient who was laying on the bed..It was Y/N taking shallow breaths and shivering badly in the room which had the air conditioner turned on..She was drenched in water completely which didn't help a little with her shivering..How did she end up like this ?? And what were these Black's and Wellington's trying to do to her ?? My thoughts broke hearing the voice of my wife Ellery..
Ellery : Omg what happened to her ??
Yoongi : Turn off the Air conditioner and bring warm blankets immediately..Also bring a pair of clothes and change her clothes quickly..Call Fritz here right now..
Nurse : Sure doctor..
Ellery : Shouldn't we inform Jimin ??
Yoongi : First we should stabilize her condition.. Prepare for an IV and check all her vitals..
Ellery : Her Blood pressure is dropping and she is having bradycardia..Let me change her clothes..
Yoongi : I will inform the security to find out what happened..She is almost dying if someone has done it intentionally we have to file a police case..
After a few minutes
Ellery : Her vitals are getting normal she will be alright within a few hours..
Yoongi : Did she get her consciousness ??
Ellery : She did wake up once but I have given her some medications..So she is sleeping now..
Yoongi : I will call Jimin and let him know the situation..After seeing the CCTV footage of the pool area we have to decide whether to call Taehyung or not..
Ellery : I will stay with her till Jimin comes..You can go and see the patients..
Yoongi : Okay that's better..
After a few minutes
In the room in Special ward
Jimin : What happened to her Noona ??
Ellery : Calm down Jimin and be quiet..She is sleeping now..
Jimin : Is she alright now ??
Ellery : She is stable now..But keep an eye on her she might get hypothermia..And about what happened exactly I'm not sure..I heard from the nurse that Fritz Wellington saved her from the hospital garden pool..She was drowning..
Jimin : But she isn't that clumsy to slip into the pool..Did you check the CCTV footage??
Ellery : Yoongi has asked the security team to check it..He is a bit suspicious because Frank Wellington and Michael Black came here earlier to treat Y/N but obviously they can't disobey Yoongi because he is the head of the department..
Jimin : Thanks for being here Noona..I will be with her and let you know if anything happens..
Ellery : Okay then..If something is suspicious with the CCTV footage we will have to call Taehyung..
Jimin : I will look into those things Noona.. Take care of yourself..
Ellery : You too Jimin..
Jimin POV
Settling on a chair near the bed I gently held her hands in mine and took my phone on the other hand dialing to the chief security..
On call
Jimin : I hope you got the information from the emergency department to look into the footage of the pool in the hospital garden..Send me the CCTV footage immediately..
Security : Sure Mr Park..
End of call
Keeping my phone back in my pocket now I took a clear look on my Cinnamon Candy's face..She looked so pale and her lips were dry..She was sleeping peacefully but I hated that it was in a hospital bed and in an unfortunate state..I can watch her sleep for hours but not like this..I hate it when she sleeps like this in a hospital bed..
My train of thoughts broke when my phone vibrated with an incoming message.. Without leaving the hold on my Wife's hands I took the phone on my other hand.. Looking on the screen it was a video clip to be specific the CCTV footage of the pool area that the chief security has sent..
Looking on the footage my blood boiled in anger..Mom already didn't take any proper action on Michael Black and I'm sure she wouldn't take an action on Rachel Black either..But why would she do that ?? Isn't her daughter in-law important to her ?? I promised to protect my wife with my life and here I'm sitting beside her seeing her in miserable state..Not even once I was able to protect her from danger.. I'm probably not even worthy to be her husband but I want her as my wife..I can't let her go to this world or trade her a million dollars in million years in million chances..
I have to send this to Taehyungie hyung..Let me call hyung after some time..
On call with Taehyung
Jimin : Taehyungie hyung when will this be over ?? I'm tired hyung..You saw the video right?? Tomorrow 3 weeks time will be over..
Taehyung : I will make sure to arrest them tomorrow Jimin..I saw the video it's an evidence too..Rachel Black will definitely be punished for this..
Jimin : Today I will take Y/N to my apartment Hyung..Later you can pick up Pavi and don't have to wait for my wife..
Taehyung : That's better..She needs you so much now..She might not know you are her husband but she trusts you so much..
Jimin : I know hyung and it hurts that I can't keep her safe..
Taehyung : Just a day more things will then start to get better..
Jimin : I hope so hyung..
Taehyung : Call me whenever you want..For now I'm ending the call okay??
Jimin : Sure hyung..Take care of yourself..
End of call
Jimin POV
It's been 4 hours and she didn't wake up from her sleep still..My mind was a complete mess.. It's weird how tomorrow is my birthday and I have planned to reveal every truth to my wife..I have planned for a beautiful surprise to make things memorable..I got our wedding rings and prepared dress for her..I want to take our oath and say vows like a couple..I may not be able to do it like everyone in Church but I want to make it special and beautiful.. Tomorrow those bastards will be arrested..Things are finally getting peaceful..But somewhere in my heart I feel a bit uncomfortable like something isn't right..
Keeping my head near her hand that I was holding I closed my eyes in tiredness..But I heard slight the sounds of mumbling from my wife making me lean closer to her and pay attention on what she was mumbling..She was mumbling my name and if before I knew she needs me now I'm so sure all she wants right now is me..But she jolted up from her bed like she was scared and looked at me who was holding her hands still..
Y/N : Jimin..
Jimin : I'm here my cinnamon candy.. I'm here..(I saw her tears streaming down her cheeks making me involuntarily lift my other hand and wipe those precious tears)
Y/N : Where were you before?? I was so scared Jimin..I thought I would-
Jimin : No.. Please don't say further love.. Please I can't hear what would say further.. Whatever it maybe that you want to say please don't say it..I have an idea of what you went through and what you want to say but I will be more broken if I hear it..
Y/N : I missed you..Can you please take me to your home today ?? I don't want to be in hospital or at Taehyungie hyung's home..
Jimin : I missed you too..I was so scared too..I will take you home don't worry..
Y/N : Thank you..
Jimin : How are you feeling now ??
Y/N : A little bit tired and more hungry..
Jimin : Let's get your tummy filled then..What do you wanna eat ?? (I was happy to see her finally awake safe and sound..Talking to her I made sure she was distracted before removing the IV cannula from her hand..I didn't want to trigger her phobia now.. Though she is overcoming her fears lately she isn't recovered completely..She didn't even notice me removing the cannula and pressing a cotton on the site to prevent excess bleeding..Not sure if she was really too distracted or didn't want to pay much attention to it purposely)
Y/N : I wanna eat something you cook..
Jimin : Okay then let's go home..Shall we ??
Y/N : Sure.. Let's go home..


Editing will be done later..Regarding the spacing and punctuation or any grammatical errors..

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