"Well God is mean, and I'm hungry,"

"Hold on," I climbed from under the table and stood up. I took some some cake pops and handed them to her. I took a few for myself also and grabbed us some water and napkins. We sat there side by side eating our cake pops and drinking out water.

"I'm feeling better," she does a little happy dance.

"You always do after food." We laughed.

"Let's get married now,"

"Please, before they get the pitch forks out," once I was from under the table. I dragged it from over her head and helped her to her feet.

"I can't put those shoes back on."

"I'll have someone run out and buy you some sparkling flats."

"Thank you,"

"Thank you! You and this baby are my universe. My purpose."


It happened so quickly I only heard clapping and Nish marching angrily out the door. "Full custody Spence. He's all yours." My attorney shook my hand.

I was bomb rushed by my friends and family. This didn't feel like a win. Once outside the courtroom some came walking out with Jr and Nish ran to him. They hugged each other. She was full of tears. "My baby boy,"

"What's up ma? We're leaving now, me you and daddy?"

"Son, you are going to get to spend more time with daddy now...I mean a whole lot more time. Isn't that exciting?"

His face lit up with happiness. "Yes!"

"You get to do all those things with him you told me you wanted to with no interruptions."

"What about you mommy?"

I walked closer to them. "How about you go over there with your uncles."

She hugged him again and he took off running.

She looked at me, trying her hardest to hold in her tears. "Nish, you still will be able to see him."

"When you say I can,"

"You started this, you tried taking him from me. You think I want a room full of strangers making rules about my child?"

"Well, either way you win, you beat me."

"You think this is a win? My family is broken up...I saw you and me together forever. I wanted that, now we gonna be raising him in different households. You know I hate this."

"Can't force stuff, our time ran out."

"Yours did for me. I wanted forty plus years with you."

She stared down at the ground.

"But hey, that shit ain't happening. Look, I will still let you see him, you know I wouldn't keep you out his life."

"Thank you."


"Well, I guess we'll make some type of schedule?"

Maybe We were Meant (Book 4 of Series)Where stories live. Discover now