Always Win

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"She bumped her head." Carter was sitting down with Damien and Chace.

"Was she that drink?" Damien asked.

"She started before we even got to the house." I said.


"There's the doctor Phillip," I walked to him.

"How is she?" She's resting."

"She's not pregnant is she?" I asked.

Doctor Phillip started laughing but he noticed I wasn't. "You're kidding right?"

"Why is that so funny?"

Carter stood up. "So what is wrong?"

"No, why was that so funny?"

"Because she had a salpingectomy,"

"A what?"

"Her tubes were surgically removed a year ago. She came in and said it was a mutual decision. You both were done having children. She scheduled it after the abortion."

I took a step back, my legs felt light. Chace and Damien caught me. ", she wouldn't do that." I looked at Carter who had his head down. "Carter,"

"Spence I'm sorry,"

"Y'all knew too?"

"This our first time hearing about this."

"I didn't even know she was pregnant...."

"Doctor Phillip, give us a minute." He nodded and walk away.

"I been pulling out for a year now and she knew couldn't even get her pregnant.." I laughed in a angry tone.

"This bitch,"

They all just stood around me.

"My dad said being nice was going be my weakness...pretty girls who are out of my league."

"I never thought she was outta yo league bro, you not ugly. Girls always wanted you."

"But not her.." a million different things were going through my head. "I gotta get outta here...can Jr stay a few days?"

"You know you ain't gotta ask,"

"I will send money to replace the stuff she broke when she fell."

"We don't need you to that, it's all good."

"Tell her don't look for me when she wakes up, I can't be around her right now." Now the tears were coming.

"You need me to go with you?" Chace offered.

"No," I turned to walk out but Chace still followed me. When we were outside. "I just feel lost and deceived."

"I'm in complete shock myself ,"

"Tanisha was the realest chick I ever met, I never saw this coming. People say you usually see the signs but I didn't. Well towards the end but I thought it was work. It's like I can't get a grip on reality. What if there's more secrets?"

"I pray there isn't,"

"Nice guys finish last, she would of never pulled this shit with you."

"I think she would have. I don't think it matters who it is, that's just something with her."

"These niggas love you and they still do after years. Look at Khi, he was eyeballing you so much I had to remind him Ayesha was there. Then Damien took you back, Jaylen was still crazy bout you and now Carter who hated you is completely fucked up about you."

"I don't know if that's a one side effect. I never let my feelings for any of them go either."

"I was stressing being sure not to but in her...she was even telling me before hand to be sure I pulled out and the abortion. That could of been my lil princess. I always wanted that daddy daughter relationship."

Chace just stood there. "That's the wild part, to have you pulling out."

"I'll be back in a few days."

We hugged. "Love you bro,"

"Love you too."



"It's funny to you, I have tried and tried to be okay with all this but you ain't never gonna get over that man and he been over you."

"What are you talking bout?"

"Think I didn't pay attention tonight? You was damn near about to crawl into his skin, hanging on to every word that left his mouth."

"That's my best friend,"

"No that's your best fuck friend,'re still in love with him. If he had asked you to be in their relationship and not Carter, you would have left me."

"That's stupid and a lie. Let's go to bed."

"Then your lil ex shows up and she's all over you and you didn't straighten her once." She was putting her bonnet on. "But even with me there, and Summer throwing herself at you, nobody is a match for him."

"I gotta hear this all night? You could of stayed home, I wanted to see my friend, I have a right to."

"What is this for? What have I been hanging on for? Am I just here to cover up the fact you still crave to be fucked by a man?"

"Ayesha, let the shit go. Aaight? Let it go."

"Do you? Do you still want to fuck men?" She stood by the bed as I tried to lay down.


OR BE FUCKED MY MEN?!" she leaned down and yelled.

"YES!!!!" I yelled back and stood up. "I think about it but I don't act on it. I have never cheated on you since we been together. I crave that shit and sometimes it's hard to fuck you because I think about it. I'm sorry, but yes I had the best sex of my life with men." I was tearing up and so was she.

I loved her. But its a daily battle fighting the urge to not be bent over by someone. I wanna live a heterosexual life but I want sex with men and I'm confused. The biggest truth tonight is that I do love Chace.

"I knew it," her lips quivered. "This will be the last time I come around your friends and if you wanna continue with me, it needs to be your last time too."

"You can't make me give Chace up, he'll always win every time."

"It's like you waiting around for his life to fall apart so he can come running to you. So you can fuck like its the end of the world. You wanting his life to be in shambles so you can have him, is sad." She took off the ring. "Here, I'm good."

"Ayesha, put the ring back on."

"Why? You won't even agree on a date. You put more planning into coming here than you did in our wedding. You might not want to believe it, but he has find happiness without you." She climbed into the bed. "You look stupid and delusional."

"You don't get it."

"Nigga you don't get it." She pulled the cover over her. "Better just get you some new dick because I got a feeling you can't compete with Damien and Carter."


Spence knows..well almost everything 😢

Spence and Chace convo?

Khi and Ayesha Convo?

Will Spence be able to handle her cheating on top of everything else?

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