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"His name was Lewis and this was the night it happened about ten years ago. You think you over something but, it follows you." Chace held me as I opened up to him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you...wish I knew his ass. I would probably kill'em."

I smiled, it was sweet he was willing to fight about me. "Our man actually handle that for me...he actually never told you about this?"

"Nah, with y'all relationship he kept a tight lip. He really had a lot of respect and love for you."

"I just love him, I'm ready for him to come home."

"You and me both."

"I uh...I dealt with depression in high school, my dad was putting my mom through a lot. He had a gambling problem and she lost everything behind him. One night some men followed us home, held my mom at gun point and pushed us into the house. They tied me and my mom up. Tyla was with our grandparents, thank God."

I held on to his hand, as I felt him slightly tremble. "I stared down the barrel of a gun at thirteen years old."

"Aww baby," I massaged his hand.

"My mom was shaking so bad and I could tell the way she was looking at me, she thought we were dying that night....still she tried to comfort me. She wanted me to believe everything was going to be aaight, but I was old enough to know better."

The men were on the phone with my dad and told him they were at his home and had us," he went silent.

"You don't have to talk about this,"

"No, I wanna tell you. You shared something about yourself with me and I wanna do the same."


"Long story short, he wasn't able to pay back what he owed and they were going to kill us. They had the gun shoved into the back of my head and my mom screamed "I'll sell my house and go look under the mattress. It was twenty five thousand dollars." He hugged me. "They took it and said they'd be back to collect the money from the sell on our house."

I covered my mouth. "Fuck, that must've been traumatic...I can't imagine. How could your dad jeopardize your lives in that way?"

"It's why my anxiety is so bad, well I have overcome it a lot but I had trouble with it not to long ago. The fear of Tyla taking my son and not being able to do anything....just like I wasn't able to help my mom."

"Chace you were just a kid and it was two full size grown men. They were physically stronger."


I turned around to face him. "I don't see you as weak. You were brave for you mom and gave her the strength she needed to think fast. You were brave for Tyla when y'all stepped up to take Camden. You will be brave for Camden and fight to keep him. It will all work out baby." I got on my knees in the bed and pulled his face into my chest.

"I miss her so much...she was my rock. I can't accept that she's gone, I'm not able to just accept it." I felt him shivering. I held him tighter.

"Baby grieve at your own pace. There's not a time limit on grief and I hate that you feel that way. Talk about it as much as you need to, so that you don't feel you need to keep it in. Free yourself of that silent torture. We are here for you, we love you. We are going to fight with you, in any and everything."

I sat down on the bed and he hugs my waist. His hand grips my shirt. "I love y'all too."

"Feeling weak in helpless is a feeling I know all too well and I promised after that night with Lewis I'd never feel that again. I failed plenty times. I was afraid for years and felt worthless. I gave him all my power, but Dame helped me to restore it. He always handle my body with so much love and respect. He reminded me that I'm worth loving and my body is of high quality."

"That's one of the things I loved right away about him too. He told me how he would never take me for granted and he never did. He was so gentle with me, and the aftercare from the first time we fucked, he's just very good with making you feel special."

"The best with encouragement."I thought about all his great attributes.

"He's patient. If he wants something, he'll wait and you never feel rushed."

"Never...I'm sorry I broke his heart and in return he broke yours. I can't apologize enough."

"I lost to Chace, everyone loses to Chace". I laughed.

"Shit, Khi broke me so bad I beg to differ."

"Yeah but look at him now. He regret that, he so hung up on you now."

"Which I don't understand. He had me. I mean I gave away my dignity for him and as a man that was everything. I know it's weird he still comes around and everyone knows how he feels about me, still. I'm internally connected to Khi, I tried explaining this to Dame. But it's not the way I was, I'm not in love with anymore. But he is all I have from my childhood, with my mom being gone and Tyla being distant. The good times we shared growing up together, he was there. Now, since then I've made new ones but our moms always said to never let life separate us. If I had to stop being friends with him, I think I'd fall back into depression. It's complicated."

"I think I get it, and I know you're over Khi romantically. You don't look at him the way you look at Dame,"

"Or you." He looked up at me and smiled.

"Plus, I got a feeling Khi is about to be stuck on someone else."

We both laughed silently. "Not sure what you mean,"

"Chace hush, Khi wanna hunch Cario and you know it."

"Carter you restored self worth in Dame too baby, he was so much when we got together the second time. I know that's because of you."

I blushed. "Thank you."


Their conversation tonight was sad but also very beautiful 😢💕🫶🏽

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