Equally Good

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Today was my first-time getting Camden ready for school alone. I was nervous because it was like a trial run for me. I walked into his room decorated like space. I took a seat on his bed and watched his little body spread out over his pillow. "Cam," I whisper softly but he didn't move. "Cam," I said a little louder running my hand over the back of his head. His eyes slowly opened, and I swear it was like staring into Chace's eyes. He had his entire little face.

"Good morning sunshine,"

"Good morning, Call-tuh"

I laughed at how he pronounced my name. "Ready for school?"

He nodded and I moved the cover so I could help him out of bed. He put his little hand in mine, and we walked side by side to the bathroom. He potty's first, then washes his hands, I help him brush his teeth and wash his face. He hands me the lotion and I put it on his face, arms and legs.

"All good." He gives me a thumbs up.

I put his polo shirt on, pants and belt, socks and then his sneakers. I hand him his backpack and we head to the kitchen for his breakfast. He loves waffles, bacon and fruit with orange juice. After that I strapped him into his car seat, and we are off to drop him at daycare. But not before we listen to some kiddie bops on the car.

He laughs. "You sound like Bluey,"

I had to google that later to realize he was referring to my accent, Bluey which is a cartoon, and his family is from Australia. I'm British, so he realized I speak differently but not Aussie.

When I sign him in, I watch as he hangs his backpack up and heads over to the small sink to wash his hands. I wave bye but he runs to me as fast as his little legs will allow, I squat down and he crashes into me, his little arms wrap around my neck. "Bye, bye Call-tuh, see you later."

"Bye baby," he runs to join his friends on the carpet.

Once inside the car I start crying and my phone rings. "Hello?"

"How it go?" Damien ask.

I just start crying.

"Carter what's wrong? Did someone give you a hard time?"

"No....he is just so damn adorable."

I hear laughter on the other end.

"Don't pick on me."

"Sorry, but I get it. The first time we dropped him off at school, me and Chace pulled over and cried like babies. We picked him up early for two weeks straight."

I wiped my eyes. "He looks so much like Chace."

"That's his twin, Tyla carried him but that's Chace baby through and through."

"He calls me Call-tuh.."

"I caught on to that as we were telling him about you."

"Thank you for finally introducing us...he is so sweet; I can't wait to be around him more...he's going to get all my money."

"You welcome, welcome to parenthood he surely gets all of ours for simply being cute. Well, I was just checking in, love you, have the best day."

Maybe We were Meant (Book 4 of Series)Where stories live. Discover now