Mr handsome

28 23 5

Ruhi : Hey
Lucas : oh hii
Ruhi : Now sir get some time for me 😑
Lucas : it's not like that
I was in a meeting 🤝
Ruhi : Oh , so what ?
I have been waiting from 5 hours
Lucas : I know it's a little bit late but you should understand
Ruhi : 5 hours is not a little bit late
You have no time for me , I understand
You can't message me , I understand
You can't pick up my call , I understand
However, when you see me with someone else -- I hope that you will surely understand
Lucas : Are you still angry ?
Ruhi : yes , because still
I can't see your efforts
Lucas : 😖
Do you want me to apologise?
Ruhi : no
Lucas : ??
Ruhi : I know you don't like to apologise
It's not about apologise
It's about prioritise
Lucas : you are of course my first priority
I am doing all this because you want me to be successful
You want to announce to the world that YOUR LUCAS IS SUCCESSFUL
And you know what , this can't happen in a day
Ruhi : I know that sweetheart but believe me , I can't live without you
Every second , This thought was coming to my mind that you will leave me. I know you love me but for how much time ?
Lucas : Till my last breath ❤️
I love you
I do love you 💕💕
Ruhi :❣️❣️❣️
Okay , I have to go now
Lucas : ??
Ruhi : I have to go to serve food to poor beggars
I am already late today because of you
I am not going on dating mr 🤣🤣
Lucas : I didn't say that
Now you are saying of dating 🤐
Ruhi :🤣
Don't be insecure
I am damn sure that I can't find another handsome man
You are the most handsome man for me ♥️
Lucas : I am handsome, not only for you
But for the whole country
Ruhi : this is white lie 🤥
Lucas : it's true , check the report published today
I am the most handsome and best husband suited man in this country
Ruhi : okay okay
But remember you are just mine
Lucas : are you getting insecure now ?
Ruhi :🤣 not at all
But I have to go now
Lucas : see you 💕
Ruhi : Have a good day ! ♥️

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