Emotional Ruhi

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Ruhi: Hey
Lucas: Yup
Ruhi: Hello Mr busy bee
Lucas: 😐
Ruhi: Can't you reply early
Lucas: I just saw your message
Ruhi: Is it my fault?
Lucas: ofc
Ruhi: that's your fault!
Ruhi: I will became a waiter soon in wait for your reply 😕
Lucas: Anyway, what are you doing?
Ruhi: Do you have time to hear my complete situation?
Lucas: Um , yeah
Ruhi: I don't think so ..
Lucas: Are you still angry ?
Ruhi:You are asking like you made thousands of efforts and apologized a lot but I am still angry😡
Lucas: Do you want me to apologise?
Ruhi: Ofc , it's a good thing to apologise on mistake
Lucas: But I won't apologise..
Ruhi: Why ??
Lucas: I hate apologise, that's it .
Ruhi: But why ?
Lucas: I don't want any further discussion.
Ruhi: hey but ...
Lucas: Stop it!
Ruhi: okay
Lucas: I have some work. I will catch you later.
Ruhi: No , wait
Lucas: Yeah
Ruhi: Are you seriously busy ? You have no time for me now🥺
Lucas: you are taking this wrong way
Ruhi: I am afraid that I will lose you one day🥺 because of my stupid talks
Lucas: Don't be emotional...
Ruhi: Will we not remain friends all our lives?
Lucas: We will. We will remain friends forever and ever.
Ruhi: What if misunderstanding surrounded us ?
Lucas: We will hold each other and come out .
Ruhi: Are you sure ?
Lucas: Yeah, ofc
Ruhi: Think again....
Lucas: I am for sure about it.
Ruhi:you know, clear rejected is thousand times better than fake promises.
Lucas: I know and I am sure.
Ruhi: I am ready to face the truth if you say no but later, maybe I will broke...
Lucas: Why are you thinking so ?
Ruhi: Because soon, you will became successful and have money and power. Maybe after that you forget me and I make all the efforts to talk to you and you say "Who the hell are you ?"
I won't be able to bear that pain.
I started trusting you
I started connecting with you
I started believing you
Don't break my belief otherwise I will break your handsome face..
Lucas: Okay, I won't break
Lucas: For me, relations are more important than money. I value relations more than money and power. According to me , money can be earned again after losing but relations can never be earned again. Once they are lost , you lose them for forever. You can't get the same person again.
Something, the person you get before is not same after
So I value relations more
Ruhi: So give your money to me 🤑🤑
I will became rich and live a luxury life 😍😍
Lucas: okay
Ruhi: Are you sure ? Aren't you kidding?
Lucas: I am sure 😃
Ruhi: Let me calculate how much I want. I will text you later
Lucas: Byy
            Take care

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