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Ruhi :Hey Mr handsome
Lucas :Today you found out that I am handsome ?
Ruhi :No , that's not like that
Lucas :So ?
Ruhi : Nothing, you have not a sharp mind to understand
Lucas : Seriously?
Ruhi :ofc that is so otherwise no is there in the world who spoils his rest of life behind a girl.
Lucas :Celena was my love, Celena is my love and Celena will be my love forever. It's not just about attraction, it's about true feelings for someone
Ruhi :Even when you know that she cheated you ?
Lucas :I know that, so ?
Ruhi :so move on
Lucas :Why should I move on ? My feelings are still there.
Ruhi :For how much time ?
Lucas :till last Breath
Ruhi :And why ?
Lucas :That is love.
Ruhi :I don't think it's love. It's  obsession.
Lucas :Wait , what ? Aren't you mad ? How can you say that ? And most importantly, who gave you permission?
Ruhi :What's wrong with that ?
Lucas :Love and obsession are two different things. Obsession is when I use my power and position and force her to be with me but I love her. I even never tried to contact her after that.
Ruhi :Why ?
Lucas : Because when we lastly met on 20 April, she told me that she love someone else and wants to live her rest of life with him. She added with a charming smile that whatever that was between us was just a illusion. So , after this I hope that you won't annoy or bother me.
Ruhi :😲
Lucas :I was completely shattered at that moment and ....
Ruhi :Okay okay , leave this. Atleast you came to know reality from her.
Lucas :🤣 Me and my destiny.
Ruhi : Anyway, was she beautiful?
Lucas :Is it a question to ask ?ofc she is and always will be.
Ruhi :Even in her old age?
Lucas :Yeah ,ofc.
Ruhi :I am asking seriously?
Lucas :So who is joking here ?
Ruhi :But how is that possible?
Lucas : Whenever I said to her that I  love you , I never mean for her outer beauty or for her body or for her nature or for anything.
If she is my Celena , I will always love her even if she turned old or if she became pompous or if she became ruthless or anything.
Ruhi : Wasn't she beautiful?
Lucas : how should I tell how beautiful she is
In the month of heavy rains , she is a sensation in the air
Drop that fell silently on palm , she is innocent prayer
Thousands of candles have less light when compared to her beautiful eyes
And her laughter is like the sound of anklets which has the power to break all the meditations
Her pink cheeks challenges the beauty of fresh red rose
And her hair has no comparison when fights with her earlobe
Her earring when hits , make everyone unable to breathe
Those who sleep in her arms never wake up
She is the last limit of imagination
What lies ahead of her?

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