Chapter 4

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This is Rowan's house he's gonna make this chapter.

Sorry for the week off I've been very busy 

Walking towards the plaza my plan was to ask Logan if I could put in an order for furniture to be sent here. Walking into the plaza I see Logan and no one else; I guess Donna and Kiki are already at the baby shower waiting for Aphmau. Looking around I noticed how big the plaza actually was in person; it seemed so much smaller watching it from either my phone or laptop screen and the fairy lights were even more beautiful in person. "Wow" I whisper to myself before walking towards Logan's stan. "Hello, looking to buy some food?" Logan said to me in a more customer friendly attitude and tone then he would give Aphmau during this time in the series. I smile at him "No I was wondering if I would be able to put in an order for furniture to be sent here, is that something you could do?" I asked him. He stays silent for a moment, definitely thinking "Okay normally I wouldn't bother so it'll be a little expensive but I can contact other merchants from nearby villages and see what I can do. What were you thinking of?" I had Logan a list that says red bed, couch, arm chair, rug, table, 4 chairs, counters, and a large bookshelves. Logan just nods "Okay so all of this is going to be pretty pricey either 20 gold or 5 diamonds" "Okay thank you I will go mining for that tomorrow and I should have it by tomorrow night. My name is Rowan by the way, I am new to the village." Logan lightly nods his head in acknowledgment "Logan, nice to meet you" he holds out his hand I shake it then turn around heading to my house quickly grabbing all my materials and then walking to the spot I plan on building my house which is a little behind the guard tower.

For the rest of the day Rowan worked hard on building their house and by night time the outside and layout of the house was done. (The image above) Backing up to look at the whole house Rowan sighs of relief that it is almost done before a lot of the story continues a lot more. "Rowan!" Aphmau calls out from behind. Rowan turns around smiling looking over to see Aphmau and Garroth walking his way "Hey guys I just finished what do y'all think?" Rowan says, opening his arms up as if to show his entire house "Wow it's amazing Rowan I didn't know you could build so well." Aphmau said looking at the house "It's very well made and nicely decorated." Garroth said looking up "Thank you both so much! Now I am happy that you guys are here. Let's go back to my house; We can sit down and talk about what needs to be said." Rowan says walking back to their house. Aphmau and Garoth share a worried look unknowing on whatis going to be said before following close behind Rowan.

Rowan opens the door for them as Aphmau and Garroth sit down, Rowan pours Archer a bowl or food and water for working so hard today aka staying outside napping or walking around while Rowan builds the house. Rowan then poured a cup of tea for himself and the other two and placed the cups down joining the two at the table. "Thank you Rowan but please tell us what's on your mind that you needed the both of us present." Aphmau said with a concerned tone and look on her face. Rowan sighed "Well I want to be honest about where I am from and how I got here." After saying that Rowan paused looking at Aphmau and Garoth they both lightly perking up at what Rowan said listening more carefully. Rowan takes a deep breath 'God why is this so nerve racking?!' Rowan thought to themselves before speaking again. "I know this is gonna sound crazy but I know by this point you both know anything is possible but I am from another dimension and I was sent here by a man with a gray hood and mask and brown hair. He didn't tell me anything except that I had to come with you on your future adventures and to help you. I don't have any proof of this and I just hope you believe me but I am telling you the truth. I'm sorry I lied about where I was from when I first came here; I was nervous and didn't know if everything that was happening was real but as I've settled here I knew I needed to tell you guys this." Rowan sputted out all those words not realizing that they didn't take a single breath, breathing out a sigh of relief that he got that out but remembering to keep secret that he knows everything that is going to happen up until season two episode 20.

Aphmau was quiet thinking for a moment. Garroth sat there looking at Aphmau waiting for her to respond while Rowan sat nervous looking down, twiddling their thumbs. "Did this strange man also have green eyes and practically appear out of nowhere?" Aphmau then questioned; Rowan's head shot up looking surprised all Rowan could do was nod purley shocked that Aphmau actually believed him. Garroth was looking at Aphmau though I get the feeling he's just as shocked as me. "That might be the same man that lead me to this village after he lead me here he kinda just vanished." Rowan stayed quiet thinking 'how come I can't remember him?' "Maybe, I wouldn't know anything about that he wore a gray and green outfit, gray hood and mask, green eyes, brown hair peeking out, lean but built, from what I could tell he was definitely handsome." Aph nodded in deep thought "From that description sounds exactly like the man that led me here, besides the handsome part that's all you." Aphmau says, laughing a bit at the end. "What do you think Garoth?" Aphmau questions looking at her head guard. Garoth clears his throat "Whatever your decision is I will stand by, but the description you speak of reminds me of someone from my past but it is most definitely coincidence, other then that I mean we have the nether dimension who's to say we and the nether are the only ones. But joining you on your adventures? Lady Aphmau that is 100% up to you but personally I would like it if we could get to know Sir Rowan here a bit more before anything too drastic." Aphmau stays silent, thinking nodding her head, turning to face Rowan. "I believe you Rowan though I do agree with Garroth that we should get to know you a bit more before anything too big so before I go on any trips I will decide if you can come, deal?" Aphmau said looking at Rowan with a soft smile but was being serious. "Deal" and with that Rowan and Aphmau shake on it. "Meow" Archer looks up at Aphmau before jumping on the table rubbing against her hand "Could you also consider Archie joining? I mean look at that face!" Rowan says with a smile plastered on their face "Well of course I wouldn't expect anything less than Archie joining us as well." Aphmau says petting Archie.

I smile "Thank you Lord Aphmau and thank you Garoth for being so understanding. I swear I will do my best to gain your trust and your people's trust. I also will help out in any way that I can." I say with hope for the future in my eyes. Aphmau just smiles and nods while Garoth just nods. We then continue just talking and getting to know each other a little better as we finish our tea.

I walk them out the door. I say my goodnights to Aphmau and promise to hang out with her tomorrow. Before she walks away heading to her home. "Goodnight Garoth, thank you for being so understanding." I said looking up at the head guard "Goodnight Rowan thank you for being understanding of my concern. I just want what's best and to keep this village and Lady Aphmau safe." "Of course Garoth I wouldn't expect anything less." I say with a smile. Garoth's eyes linger on me for a moment before clearing his throat and shaking his head slightly "Goodnight." He says one more time before turning and walking towards the Guard tower. I shrug my shoulders, turning walking back inside, calling it a night falling asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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