Chapter 3

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A/N I am sorry if this one is a bit of a mess, bro I am so tired and sick rn anyways onto chapter 3 <3

Walking towards the woods Rowan went a little deep to not ruin the look of the wooded area surrounding the village. "Okay so I wanna get oak and if possible I wanna get spruce as well, some stone and ore would also be amazing; what do you think Archer?" Rowan said looking down at Archer "Meow!" Rowan smiled at the response of his feline friend. For the next five hours Rowan Chopped down two stacks of oak and found a cave and mined a lot of cobblestone, a bunch of coal and iron, some gold, and was even lucky enough to find a vein of diamonds; the vein only had two diamonds but was pretty awesome. Getting out of the cave it was around one o'clock and Rowan was starting to get hungry. Rowan sat down on the grass and Archer sat down next to them; Rowan took off his backpack pulling out some lunch and water for both himself and Archer. Enjoying the breeze of fresh air it actually smelt different from the air back at home, more fresh and relaxing; Rowan sighed with a smile on their face when all of a sudden they saw someone run by in the corner of their eye so fast that he almost didn't think of anything of it. Archer then looked in the direction which signified it for Rowan.

Rowan stood up, taking his sword out and readying his stance; he then tapped on his shoulder signaling Archer to get on his shoulder, which Archer did. Not really knowing what he was doing, just trying to protect himself and his cat. "Who's out there?!" Rowan called out wanting to sound tougher than he actually was at that moment. Then coming out from behind a tree he saw a long orange haired guy come out. Rowan gasped, eyes widening, taking a step back " way" Rowan whispered to himself. "Sorry for scaring you, I saw you in the woods and wanted to see what your business was being on the very outskirts to the town of Metli '' The orange haired guard said in a stern voice. "Oh um sorry My name is Rowan Hendrix and this is my cat Archer, I was collecting supplies for my house; I am a new villager to the village of Phoenix Drop. May I ask who you are?"


Of course I knew who he was middle school me was practically in love with this mother fucker but I always knew he was just a fictional character but he is actually right infront of me! "My name is Laurence head guard of Metli, sorry for scaring you before I am just trying to protect my village. It is nice to meet you." Laurence said not so stern but more the natural and friendly manner I'd see him during the series; hold out his hand to shake mine. I took his hand shaking it "It's nice to meet you too Laurence." I smiled at him Laurence then put his hand close to my cheek for a second I thought he was gonna cup my face when he instead let Archer sniff and then pet him. I mentally slapped myself for even thinking that getting a little red in the face from embarrassment of my own thoughts. "Well it was nice meeting you Rowan. Hopefully I'll see you around." Laurence smirked walking away. "Bye Laurence it was nice meeting you as well!" I spoke out as he walked away.

I walked a little further north finding a spruce forest and started going to work after around two hours. I was able to get around three stacks of spruce wood; It is my favorite wood type after all. I looked over to the sun getting close to sunset it had to be around four or five o'clock so I started to walk home. By the time I got home it was night time and man was I tired. I went to my crafting table using some of the wood to make two chests, putting the chests down and throwing all the supplies I got that day into the chest. Laying on my bed, feeling Archer lay next to me as I passed out.

The next day

I woke up the next day groggily rubbing my eyes and then stretching my arms up. "Good Morning Archy '' I said walking over to the chest I threw all my stuff in from yesterday and grabbing some materials and then crafting a toaster. Then I hand built a little trey; so for breakfast I made toast and poured Archer's food into his bowl. When I was done I got dressed in a baggy skull tee, black tripp pants, red and black fingerless gloves, spike bracelet, and combat boots. Filled my bag with my necessities "Lets go Archy." I said walking out my door with Archer following close behind; looking down the path I saw balloons in front of the farm house "Oh it's the baby shower episode, I should congratulate Aphmau on adopting Levin." I walked over to the main part of town seeing Dale waving to him as I passed by. 

I was about to walk past the butcher's house when I saw Garroth in the window "Holy shit Garroth looks so much cooler in person" I spoke to myself before walking into the house, meeting face to face or well face to helmet with Garroth himself, noticing Raven sitting in front of him HOLY SHIT A ACTUAL REAL LIFE WYVERN. "Hi my name is Rowan Hendrix and this is my cat Archer I am new to the village." Garoth looked up from Raven "Hello nice to meet you I am head Gaurd of Phoenix Drop Garoth it's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand to shake it which I enthusiastically shook. "Is there anything I can help you with? Oh and this is Raven, my wyvern." "No, I just saw you and wanted to introduce myself!" and at that moment Aphmau came through the door "Hey Garroth! Hi Rowan! How is everything going being new to the village? Aphmau asked me with the same amount of enthusiasm as she always spoke when she was in a good mood. "Amazing actually, I gathered material to build my own house later today. But since you both are here I actually wanted to ask you both a favor." Aphmau and Garroth shared a glance before looking back at me "Sure what is it?" Aphmau said with the slightest hint of worrisome in her tone "I was wondering if later tonight when everything is settled down for the day if you both could come over I would like to discuss some personal manners with the both of you but don't worry it's nothing bad or anything like that." "Oh yeah of course later tonight when it gets dark I need to meet with someone by the docs but after that me and Garroth will head over to you." I smiled, sighing with relief that I won't have to be holding in where I am from for long. "Thank you so much Aphmau and congratulations on Levin and have a fun time at your baby shower" Aphmau looked at me with a confused expression on her face "Thank you but how did you know about that?" I froze fuck the stranger told me to never tell them that I know whats goin on "Hm? Oh silly me for not explaining the whole village has been talking about it plus Dale told me earlier today when I asked about the balloons." I smiled trying to hide how nervous I was. "Ohh okay well I do need to talk to Garroth so we will see you later tonight have a good day Rowan!" Aphmau said, seemingly buying what I told her. "Yep I'll see you guys later. Bye Aphmau. Bye Garroth, it was nice meeting you." Garroth only nodded his head in acknowledgement. With that I walked out tapping my shoulder signifying Archer to get on my shoulders "That was a close one." I whispered to Archer as I headed towards the plaza "Meow"

1,360 words 

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