Chapter 1

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2 weeks before present time

Rowan Hendrix, a 20 year old he/they, was chilling on their bed just doom scrolling TikTok when they got a video about people cosplaying characters from Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries series that I watched back when I was in middle school. "Fiiine I guess I must watch the entire series again." They mumbled to themselves as they looked up the series on Youtube. For the next 2 weeks Rowan watched all of season 1 and like the first 15 episodes of season 2 of Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries.

Present Day

I just finished watching episode 15 of season two and man I'm honestly happy I rewatched all of season 1. I forgot how emotional I get while watching the series too these past two weeks if I wasn't at work I was watching the series yelling, crying, laughing, or just smiling at my phone. The ending of season 1 and beginning of season 2 always gets me in my feels. I remember when I was younger having the biggest crush on Laurence while also wanting Laurence and Aphmau to get together but now that I am older I see why she went for Aaron. I chuckled softly to myself as I walked down the street to my favorite café; wearing dark gray baggy shorts that went past my knees, a big baggy red t-shirt with a cool black design on it, black fingerless gloves that went right below my elbows, red and black striped socks that went mid way up my calfs, and black converse with red drawings I made myself when I was bored. "Hey Aisha I'll get my usual.'' I say handing over my money to the girl behind the counter who at this point is one of my friends with how often I come to this café for a drink and to work on papers for school. "Hey Rowan, one medium iced caramel macchiato coming up! I haven't seen you in a bit. What have you been up to?" Aisha said while preparing my drink. "Well since the semester is over I've just been either at work or chilling in my apartment watching this series that was popular back when I was in middle school. What about you anything new?" I responded with a smile "Sadly no nothing new with me I'm either at home with my brother or here. It's been pretty dead today here as well so I might close early." Aisha said with a shrug handing me my drink; I thanked her giving her a tip. I was looking around the café when I noticed a guy with a dark gray hood and mask hiding most of his face only seeing some of his green eyes and brown hair, other than that his outfit was green with black and brown details. He looked really familiar but I couldn't place my finger on where I have seen him before maybe Orrr maybe on campus? I shrugged thinking to myself. I turned back to Aisha "Who's the creep in the hood?" I talk in a low voice to her. Aisha shrugged, "I don't know, I think I have seen him once, which was the last time you were here." Aisha responded just as low to make sure the customer didn't hear. "Alright I gotta get going Aisha I will see you later" She nodded waving as I walked out the door of the café.


As Rowan was walking down the street back to his apartment he couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching them. From a further distance the man from the café was following Rowan back to their apartment. For the past month and a half the man has been observing Rowan to see if they would be the perfect match to play the role of which he and his witchy friend had planned out. The first time the person that was chosen made a lot of the right decisions but there were a lot of distractions in her way which made some simple decisions much harder then they had to be. So the man and his friend are restarting from the beginning and adding Rowan to the mix of it all. Rowan walked through their front door forgetting to lock the front door; walking into their kitchen. Archer Rowan's cat greeted him with a meow while Rowan prepared lunch for his cat. Rowan sighed "Y'know Archer sometimes I wish I could do something fun or interesting; I am so bored just sitting around the apartment as much as I love hanging out with you I wanna do something with my life." Archer meowed in response before chewing away at his food.

"I could change that for you" Rowan heard a man's voice behind him. Rowan froze, cursing himself mentally for not locking the front. Rowan turned around to face the voice only to meet the same green eyes of the hooded man Rowan saw at the café. "Who are you?! What the actual fuck are you doing in my house right now?!" Rowan yelled obviously freaking out at the random stranger in their house slowly reaching for the kitchen knife. The stranger noticed what Rowan was reaching for, his eyes widening "Whoa Whoa Whoa Wait just listen to me before you do anything rash I am not here to hurt you or do anything of the sort!!" The man yelled out in a worried tone trying not to escalate the situation at hand "Then who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?!" Rowan yelled out again confused and scared. "If you don't know who I am already then I can't tell you you'll find that out in due time, I am here because I am looking for someone to be Aphmau's right hand man and go through her adventure with her." Rowan looked at the man like he was insane "What the fuck are you talking about?!" The man then pulls out a glowing orb walking cautious steps towards Rowan. Rowan looks into the orb seeing Aphmau going home from Brightport, he recognized it as season 1 episode 20. "Okay what is going on please explain more." The man put away the orb "I can't explain anymore then the fact that I want you to go to this world and help Aphmau out on her journey no matter how stubborn she may be to let you join, gain the trust of her and the others, and live life beside the characters. In this world it's just a Youtube series but this is a real world that I can take you too. I just need you to trust me; I mean weren't you just saying how you wanted a new life. You can pack a couple bags and even bring your cat if you want." Rowan was silent and stunned. This didn't seem real at all but he saw the orb and for some reason just staring into the strangers eyes he felt safe and that he could trust him. So many thoughts were racing through Rowan's mind of how this could even be possible, looked at the stranger, looked around the small apartment living room, dining room, kitchen, and storage all being in the same room. Looked at Archer who was already looking at Rowan. Looked back at the stranger and said "Okay."

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