Chapter 2

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"Alright we don't have time to waste, you get 10 minutes to pack your bags." The stranger said in a monotone voice leaning down petting Archer. "10 minutes?!" Rowan yelled out frantectly then ran to their room.

Rowan grabbed their three huge bags and 2 small bags from back when they first moved into their apartment, took one big bag and ran into the bathroom grabbing deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, chapstick, eyebrow gel, hairbrush, and hair ties. Then Rowan ran back into their room opening up the two bags throwing in different tops, bottoms, boxers, socks, a bunch of accessories, converse and combat boots. After that Rowan took one of the smaller bags and filled it with charger wires, phone, battery operated portable chargers, headphones, a pack of batteries, multi tool, pocket knife, and a travel speaker. Finally Rowan took the last small bag and packed Archer's toys and bowl remembering that he would be able to craft a litter box, cat bed, and cat food with how Aphmau had crafted the items for Meowki. Rowan rushed all the bags downstairs to where the stranger was in the house. "Okay ready when you are." Rowan said out of breath and with a happy but nervous smile plastered on their face.

The stranger nodded, picking up the three big bags while Rowan carried the two small bags and Archer. "Now before we go there is one thing. You must not tell them that you know everything that is going to happen, you can tell them that you are from a different dimension just not that you know their future. Understood?" The stranger said in a serious tone; Rowan just nodded in agreement. The Stranger took out his orb and then took a hold of Rowan's hand. Rowan met eyes with the stranger shocked without knowing that a small tint of blush creeped across each other's faces. The stranger then put the orb close to his face "Phoenix Drop" The stranger spoke to the orb in a low voice. Rowan vision slowly became white and could only hear a loud ringing noise. It felt almost deafening and blinding until it all suddenly stopped.

Rowan found themselves on the ground gasping for air. They sat up feeling the soft grass underneath their hands, looking around frantically on where they actually were. Archer then rubbed against their arm calming the red and brown haired adult down. Rowan stood up grabbing his bags and then picking up Archer. The stranger was gone "Weird I don't regon- oh" turning around Rowan came face to face with the old broken down lord's house, it was more disheveled than it ever seemed through the phone screen when he watched the series. "Then I guess I will go this way" Rowan said to themselves walking toward Phoenix Drop.


I walked through the forest and ended up next to the farm house, a farm, and across from the babe house I started walking up the path to the main part of the town. "Hello there sir can I help you?" a deeper voice spoke to me, turning around and I came face to face with Dale. My eyes wided and I gasped. It was like seeing Dale in person is what made all of this so much more real then it ever was. "Umm h-hi my name is Rowan, Rowan Hendrix. I am from a very far away town looking for a new village to restart in. I was wondering if I could umm stay here in the village?" I didn't know what to say I remembered Dale not being good with understanding magics or anything of the sort so this was the first thing that came to mind. I put a smile on my face "That is not my jurisdiction to call, our lord is out as we speak for the time being you can stay in the house next to mine and my wife Molly. I am Dale by the way, second in command guard here in Phoenix Drop." Dale said with a smile. I smiled back thanking him as he showed me the way to the unoccupied house I knew in the future Nicole would take ownership in so I should start building my own house after Aphmau accepts me as one of her villagers.

Next Day

I knew that yesterday was gonna be a bit wild for Aphmau after returning from her trip of saving the lord from Brightport from Zenix, then healing Garroth, and then having to do her rounds as a lord checking in on everyone. So I went out and got some materials to just make some of the basics in minecraft like all Pickaxe, ax, shovel, and A SWORD IT'S SO COOL HAVING MY OWN SWORD. Anyways and just some wood and stone to make a furnace and a crafting table, food, and torches. The next day I was getting all my stuff together emptying the small bag with Archer's toys and bowl; feeding Archer and then using the bag to hold my multi tool, switchblade, pickaxe, ax, shovel, food, unlit torches; but kept my sword out. Then I got dressed for the day wearing a black and red baggy slipknot shirt, tripp pants, belt, one fingerless black glove, black socks, and black combat boots with red laces. Attached my sword to my belt and then put on my backpack when I heard a knock at my door. I walked upstairs seeing Aphmau through the window of the door. Shit I did not realize how nerve racking this would be I mean it almost doesn't feel real but it is she is about to be right in front of me! I take a deep breath and open the door. "Hello?" "Hi I'm Aphmau the lord of Phoenix Drop, I heard you were new in town yesterday. I wanted to say hi but I was extremely busy yesterday getting back from a trip I went on." Aphmau said to me in a cheery tone. "Hi Lord Aphmau I am Rown Hendrix. It's okay I completely understand I went out anyways to get some supplies. It's nice to finally meet you; I was wondering if I could live in the village for a while or maybe forever if that's okay with you of course." I said kinda fast I don't know why I am so nervous to speak to her... maybe because I've been a fan of hers for so long. Aphmau smiled "Of Course! And no need for formalities but we would love to have you in our village. If there is anything you need just let me know I would be happy to help! I will let you know that currently my second in command guard Dale, who you've met yesterday is in charge fro the time being; recently my head guard was attacked when he went out of a mission. But no need to worry he will be making a fast recovery." I smiled at her "I am so sorry that happened to your head guard Aphmau. I was thinking of building my own house up one of the paths if that's okay?" "Yeah if you need any help or need to buy anything we have the plaza that way" she says pointing to the direction of the plaza "If that's all I hope you have an amazing day Rowan and I look forward to seeing you around!" "Alright thank you so much Aphmau it means a lot that you'll allow me to stay here, have an amazing day as well!" and with that Aphmau turned on her heel and started walking around checking in on her village. I sighed "Okay let's get started on getting material for the house" I say to Archer as he followed behind me out the door and towards the woods.

1,309 Words

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