Lucifer Finds The Light

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Break – Three Days Grace ♪ ♫

I've been stuck in the dark for what feels like eternity.

I stopped giving into the madness.

The sick satisfaction slowly turned into overwhelming sadness.

The people are no longer afraid, so what's the point?

They know we never die, and they know I can't actually hurt them.

They want me to burn in hell...

I might as well.

I ask God to take me.

"I'm ready to go," I say, or I think—I am only a soul with no body. I feel the words more than anything.

"Push forward, son," I hear a loud, piercing voice.

I still see no light...but suddenly, balls of color appear.

I realize the balls of color are light.

I push forward, and right away, I start moving quickly along with the balls of colored light surrounding me.

I feel an indescribable feeling of love all around me as I continue to shoot forward.

I've only ever felt a love like this when I was with my soulmate, Lady Lilith.

We come to a stop, and I see this enormous, endless, bright, yellowish-white light.

It would be blinding as human, but as a soul, I couldn't look away. I start gravitating towards this light, if I am meant to be a part of it.

I see a face appear within the light, a man—though I have this sense of knowing that this ultimate being is genderless.

I am stunned to know this is God and God loves me, so much—more than anyone that has ever loved me on Earth.

I know I am not going to Hell.

"Why do the people think I am the creator of Evil and the King of Hell?"

My soul begs the answer to this question more than anything.

"Because you are."

"That can't be...the love of my life, Lilith, Lady Lilith...she has shown me I am capable of loving human."

"You are the creator of Good as well, son. You wrote Earth's story."

I pause, and God knows I want an explanation.

"You wrote a story and many souls signed contracts to live your story through on Earth. You, Lilith, and Lilim included. Lilith is your true soulmate and Lilim is your true daughter."

"What now, then? Is the story over?"

"Not even close, son. You've asked me for help, though, so I am offering you a break. You and your family can come home for a little while if you want to."

"I would love to, but may I live a normal life on Earth first...with my love, Lilith, and my daughter, Lilim?"

"As you wish," God replies, simply.

I will be human again.

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