The Evil Scarifice

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Us and Pigs – SOFIA ISELLA ♪ ♫

Pigs in cages, cramped up together.

They don't get to see light, feel the grass, or experience the weather.

When they discover they're only alive to be killed and eaten, their souls cry.

The saddest part is they aren't shown any love before they die.

Instead, they are shown hate, they feel pain, and the way life should be is unknown to them.

Chances of them making it out alive are slim.

Their diets are poor, and their bodies are sore.

Most of the witnesses choose to ignore.

The pigs are unhealthy and unhappy.

When they are up for kill, they feel fear and pain in their last moments of life.

When enslaved souls die on Earth, they become mosquitos on the other side.

Just for a period of time...

They're afraid of the light because they hadn't seen any light while they were alive.

Because of the way they lived and the way they died, their souls crave human blood.

The ones that choose to get a taste have a better understanding of what had happened to them, and their souls then return to the light.

The ones that refuse to get a taste choose revenge, and they grow hateful towards humanity—their souls become more unclean as they continue to wander.

They become demons.

The demons choose to wear a mask, and they fight against their task.

They haunt people to scare them, but sometimes they torture them too.

They want you to feel the way they felt...

They continue to stray further from the light.

Will they make it out before night?

The Serpent Shares Color: A Collection of Short StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang