s3 ep2

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After finding a tree to sleep under for the night, i wrap my arms around myself and try to keep warm. God I hope there are no animals. My plan for tommorow is to go find the nearest village and use money I stole from Jimmy's bag to buy clothes and maybe pickpocket a phone to message my friends.

The next morning I decide to walk and see where it gets me and sure enough I end up in a little village full of markets. I go to a clothes stall and buy some clothes aswell as a cap to cover my eyes if the guards are looking for me. I give the lady the money and find a quiet corner to eat changed. After I'm changed I feel like a new woman.

"Do you know where we are?" I ask this random man who looks kind of friendly. He grabs my stomach and pulls me to the side before speaking another language. "I thought they spoke english here, nevermind" I shrug and gently remove his hands off of me and carry on walking.

I decide to steal a phone as I'm walking through a market since its busier so there's a lower chance of me getting caught. I slip one out of this ladies backpacker and put it into mine before carrying on walking like nothing happened before finding another place to stay the night.

Jj pov-

"So what's the plan now? What's our plan b?" I ask whilst we are in a horse stable after escaping singhs guards. "We just hit the hornests nest, we gotta think of something big" I add. "Jj, calm down" Pope tells me and I walk up to him. "Calm down Pope?" I ask "we do something to their guys, their gonna do something to kie and kayla" i say and think about them hurting kayla. "Shit we gotta do something" I mumble.

"That was your idea?" Sarah says. "Yeah I know that was my idea, ok? My bad! That one's on me! Why did we leave that island?" I ask myself. "Oo ooh, wait, wait, I got something. What if I offer myself up as a hostage? No hear me out, hear me out, hear me out.What if I got inside the walls, did the trojan horse type thing? That's how wars are won." I suggest and Pope shakes his head at me. "No, no, no, no, no" That's not how a trojan horse even works." He snaps.

"Fine, what do you got, this is usually where you got the moves bro, alright? Remember spock? We could really use him right now" I say. That night we all fall asleep leaning on bales of hay, not the comfiest but it'll do.

In the morning I wake up after my phone pings. "Hey, hey, guys wake up I got something" I say and they all mumble waking up. "Meet me at the pin at 6:15, P4L" I read and John b takes the phone off me to look. "And we're supposed to believe that's kiara?" Sarah says. "I dunno, this all could be a trap, that's exactly how they set us up last time." Pope says.

"He knows we got the phone and he knows he can track it so-- we go out there and bam, he's got us" I say. "Sometimes you guys can be so stupid" cleo says and we all look up at her. "I'm sorry" Pope says. "You get beat so bad, you flinch even when somebodies trying to help. P4L. It's kiara and kayla man!" She explains. "No way they've sent that as bait. They'd have to kill them. We have to help them. Come on, man. You all just sitting there, just flinching, lets go" She adds chucking the phone back at me before walking off.

I decide to get up and follow her. If there's a chance kaylas there, I'm willing to take the risk. We go to the location and hide between 2 massive bins. "Shh, get down" I say and we all crouch. "You got the boats?" John b asks. "Yeah, you got windows?" I ask him. "Yeah, guys, singhs men could be posted up literally anywhere" he says. "No shit, wait is that them" I say pointing to 2 women in the distance. "I don't think so" Pope says.

"Gimme the phone, I'll take care of this" cleo says and I hand her the phone. "That boat, that's the pin, that white one right there" cleo says and I cock the gun before putting it in the back of my shorts. "What are you doing?" Sarah asks. "Theres only one way to find out" I say and run out from behind the bins as they all scream my name to come back.

"Jj?" I hear someone call my name and turn around to see kie I run to her and hug her whilst the others come to hug her too. Kayla is probably in the boat or something. "Guys, I didn't think I'd ever see you again" kie says and we all hug. "Kie where kayla?" I ask. "I don't know" she says. "You don't know, what do you mean you don't know, where is she, she got taken away with you by the same people" I raise my voice a little.

"She never arrived, she wasn't at singhs house, jj something must have happened to her, I'm sorry" she says and i walk off. "No, no......shit no......." I mumble and rub my eyes with the palm of my hands. Sarah has a tear roll down her cheek when she realises her sister is missing. "Jayj, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, she'll be ok" kie tries to reassure me. "It's not your fault kie" I say. "She won't be ok, she's either dead, or with Singh, either way that's not good" I say and they all help me onto the boat.

"We are seriously gonna leave without finding her?" I ask. "Jj we need to leave this damn place, we need to go home" Pope says. "I know Pope, she's one of us now, we can't leave her behind" I say and Sarah comes up to me. "John b has left to go find his dad" she tells all of us. "What?" We all shout.

"What do you mean, find his dad, how does he know his dad's here?" I ask. "It's the bell pattern his dad would use to call him home, he said he'll only be ten minutes tops" Sarah says and we all sit down to wait. "Guys incoming" kie says and I look out to see a bunch of guards again. "Where's John b" Pope asks.

"I dont know, he said he'd be back by now" Sarah says. "Well he's not, jj what are we gonna do?" Pope asks me. "We gotta make a stand, that's what we gotta do, that's the only option" I say cocking my gun for the second time. "What?" Kiara shouts. "Kiara were not splitting up again!" I shout back. "Guys yall didn't see what I saw, he killed portis, we can't stay here!" She says. "We're not leaving kayla or John b" I say. "No pogue behind" Pope backs me up.

We all start arguing louder as singhs men get closer and closer. "We can't leave kayla" I shout. "She's probably dead anyway jj!" Kie shouts and Pope pushes me back before I can do anything to kie. "Don't ever say that, don't freaking say that!" I shout at her. Whilst we are all arguing Sarah starts the boat and we all duck as the men start firing at us. "Shit!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

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