s2 ep4

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The next morning I wake up to jj's voice. "Kayla, wake up, we're here" he says brushing my hair behind my ear and I sit up. "How did I get in here last night?" I ask. "I carried you, now cmon" jj says and I give him my hand as he helps me hop out of the truck. "Talk about home security" jj says. "Are those spikes to keep people out?" He asks. "No" kie says. "Slave quarters are over there, these spikes were to keep people in" Pope says.

He bangs on the door 3 times really loudly. Well If I was feeling sleepy before, I'm definately not now! "You think that was too much?" Pope asked. "It echoed the house, that's for sure, so they definately heard you" I say. "Maybe nobodies home..." kie says and Pope bangs on the door again but on the second bang it swings open. "You must be pope" a little scrawny man says. "Um, are you Mr limbrey?" He asks.

"Ms limbrey was expecting you yesterday" the man says. "Oh I'm sorry, my car broke down on the way up here" Pope says and jj interrupts. "Carburetor blew up in the middle of nowheresville, sorry bout that" jj says. "Yeah she was uh, real upset when you didn't show up" the man says. "We tried to call but there's no number on the invitation, we got here as fast as we could" kie says. "She also expected you to come alone" the man replies. "I mean, these are my friends, they helped find the royal merchant too i--" Pope begins but the man cuts him off. "Yeah the instructions were explicit, your friends can stay outside" the man says.

"I mean we're kinda a package deal man" jj says. "Jj I got this" Pope says. "We'll be right here" kie says. "Keep the car running" Pope whispers and we nod and he squeezes kies hand. I nudge jj and point my head to their hands and we both smirk knowingly. Jj and kie are talking when I see Pope leaving the building, "hey does that look voluntary?" I ask them both and they turn to Pope and shake their heads. "Wait, they're going to the back alley, let's go round the back" jj says and drives off.

"Where did they go?" Kiara asked. "Want if they went underground, cus in CHUD, when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn the humans into humanoids cus of radiation" jj says. "Jj" kie says. "Right sorry have you seen him yet" jj asks and we shake our heads.

Soon we hear popes voice and open this massive gate to find him lying on the ground, jj kicks the tazer to me and I pick it up and throw it into the garden somewhere. We hop over the wall and all get back in the truck. "Who are those people?" I ask Pope. "They are crazy" Pope says. "We gotta get outta here" kiara says and jj speeds off. "He's following us" we shout and jj turns the corner and these lunatics run infront of the car. "Get out of the way!" Jj shouts and speeds off again then the car breaks again. "It hought you said he fixed the carburetor!" Jj shouts. "He did" Pope replies. "What now?" Kie says as we get out of the car. "Number 1 never trust mechanics." Jj says and we all run off. Jj knocks over a postman "sorry" we all shout. "Sorry bout that" jj shouts back after nearly tripping up. "Guys he's got a gun" I shout. "Dhit get down" jj says. We keep turning onto different alleyways till we stop right infront of John b and Sarah on a bike.

I look at my sister and start crying. Oh my god I've missed her so much. "Get in" they both shout and I sit beside Sarah and kie sits on my lap. Pope and jj push at the back before hopping on and I give Sarah the biggest hug ever. Once we get off the bike after arriving at the boat I give Sarah the biggest hug I've ever given anyone. We both start crying. "I've missed you so much sarah" I say. "I've missed you too kay" she replies and we get on the boat arms around eachother.

"First of all, what happened ther" I ask as I see the blood on her shorts. "Well rafe shot me" Sarah says and everyone's jaws drop. "Rafe like our brother rafe?" I ask. "Yeah, I think he was aiming for John b though" Sarah says. "I'm just glad your ok" I tell her. "Oh dad killed gavin!" I tell her. "Holy shit" Sarah says and I laugh.

When we get back, we part in the hot tub with beer and then kie and Pope go off to mack on eachother. So it's just me, jj, Sarah and John b. We hear a car door slam so decide to hide up in the trees. Turns out it's rafe and Barry. They look for around for us and Barry goes in the chateau. I look over to Sarah and see her having trouble to breathe steadily so I try calm her down from where I am and put my finger over my mouth, signalling for her to try to be quiet.

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