Chapter 8: new guy in town

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Jay's POV (right after wargames)

"Maybe you're just shit did you ever think about that one though guy." I said to the clearly pissed off Damian who looked like he had had enough of me and the rest of the Judgment day too. "Jay it was all your fault that Damian got distracted, you caused his failure." Finn said to me which just made my blood boil. "Since when were you on his side." I said with anger. "I'm not on anyones side maybe if the both of you didn't act like fucking children then we would be somewhere." Finn yelled back now also pissed off. "Well Finn you could've helped Damian cash in where the fuck were you." JD said as we all turned around to face him. "Ok JD honest question here, what the fuck did you even do. You did absolutely nothing throughout the whole damn match so shut the fuck up."

"Dom I swear you can't even beat Akira Tazowa I would keep your mouth shut." Damian said as All 5 of us looked like we were about to beat the shit out of eachother. "Well You know what Priest if it wasn't for you I would be world heavyweight champion you big fuckup. Remember money in the bank yeah, you ran out with your briefcase didn't even help me or nothing, cause yer a selfish fucking bastard that's what you are." Finn yelled out in anger looking like he would punch him right in the jaw any second. "ENOUGH!" Rhea shouted as we all stopped bickering and turned our attentions to her. "We won the match and you all still fail to get along i swear to fucking God I might have to kill the lot of yous, so what if Damian lost the briefcase I was starting to think that thing was a curse anyway. You know that losing the briefcase doesn't mean you don't get another chance ever. Other opportunities come up. So can all of you stop acting like a bunch of children." Rhea said looking extremely pissed off. "Yes." We all said "Good, Jay you've got a press conference." Rhea said as I got up and headed to the conference room. They had started doing them after every Pay per view, and as I was the 2nd most shocking debut. I could've had superpowers hell I could've been the second coming I wasn't gonna get a bigger pop than CM punk on his return in his hometown after a decade of not being in the WWE.

"What should I expect." I asked as I was getting ready for my first interview in my WWE career. "Some good questions but mostly downright stupid questions." Drew told me. We were both being interviewed, as it was my first time they were sending out Drew with me. They also knew I was a bit of a hothead so yeah it wouldn't be the widest idea to have me be interviewed on my own.

"They just won wargames, They're the Scottish warriors Drew and Jay McIntyre." The interviewer introduced us as the press yapped away and took a bunch of photo's. Although I thought the press were a bunch of parasites who should all die
I would have to learn to put up with them as it was part of the job. "So Jay the last time we saw you, you were just a fan watching In the crowd. Now you're making an impact In the ring and it looks like you're the next big thing." One of them said as I smiled. "Yeah I guess I am, I can't wait to start having matched and there's a lot of people that I have my eye on." I said as I took a sip of the bottle of prime on the desk. "This is bloody minging." I said "Logan stick to sports and finding dead b... Topics to talk about on your podcast cause you can't make sports taste good to save your life." Well I was one word away from a PR nightmare. "Well Jay the last time we saw you, you were just a kid but now you're like a whole different person." Another one of them asked me as I was having my photo taken. "Yeah I guess so, some of you will know I was wrestling back over home and I was making a name for myself which eventually led to my signing to WWE. Thank you Drew and Thank you Triple H for seeing my talent." I said with a smile on my face. "Anyway what made you want to wrestle in the first place Jay." A reporter questioned, "Well I saw Drew wrestle on TV and I Decided that I want to do that too you know when something is just your destiny. That's what I see in wrestling, soon enough I will be the top guy in WWE because I have a passion for this sport." I proclaimed as I knocked the disgusting prime bottle off of the desk. "So we saw you teaming with the judgment tonight how have you been working with them is this just a one time thing or do we have a new addition to the team." A reporter questioned, I'm not gonna lie they've actually been asking pretty good questions to my surprise. "Well the Judgment day they're cool don't have anything bad to say about them really helped me settle in here America is extremely different from Scotland you know and stuff. I definitely enjoyed working with them and I definitely want to team with them again." I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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