Chapter 7: Off to war

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(Jays POV)

Today's the day, Survivor series. What I've been waiting for, the plan is simple. Well as simple as running out climbing into a cage, beating people up then letting the whole world know that Jay McIntyre is the next big thing in WWE is. Cody and Seth hate each other. Randy hates Jey. Sami is struggling to find his place in singles competition. Seth and Randy both have absolutely destroyed backs but one thing they all have in common is they hate the mysterious unknown man hiding in the Shadows. That unknown man also happens to be me. The fans hate the judgment day so by association they will hate me too. I've been booed before but not by 17,000 people all at once, So that's gonna be a new experience.

"The big day. We're gonna kick some ass. I'm so excited swear down like one more exciting thing then I might die on the spot." I said as I jumped in the car ready to go the arena. "Yeah" Drew replied. For the whole ride there I couldn't stay still I was so much built up anticipation, I'm pretty sure this is one of the most important days in my life if not the most important and lastly I'm gonna be on bloody telly, that's just cool man. I have finally achieved my dream of being a WWE wrestler and this is the happiest I've been in fucking years. The last year and a half have been the worst time in my life. My girlfriend died, I failed the shit out of most my exams I got hooked on drugs. But it's all over now I'm starting fresh in my life and I can't wait. I love the judgment day. The majority of wrestlers I met backstage are really great people. I beat up solo sikoa by some not quite Christmas miracle and everything forward is looking good.

I had made it to the arena and I saw some paparazzi. Fucking scum of the earth I hate the lot of them I hope they all get hit by lightning on the way home as they are all human parasites. "Who are you." I heard one of them call. "Hold on I recognise you." Another one said "it's Jay McIntyre he was in ICW for a bit." One of them told the others as they were all constantly snapping photos. "What are you doing here Jay." Another one of the scumbags said as they took around about a billion photos. "Supporting Family what does it look like knobhead. Anyway fuck you have a horrible day bye." I hissed at them. I had an extremely short fuse especially for people that surrounded me with cameras. Sure some of the things I say to them are pretty uncalled for but you know shoving a camera in someone's face is also really uncalled for.

"Press?" Drew asked as he could see the extremely pissed off look on my face. "Yeah lucky I never smashed one of their cameras. They need to get a life honestly." I replied as I headed for the locker room and HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Is that who I think that is. Oh my God it's CM punk someone have the medics on standby I might faint it's CM punk he is my second favourite wrestler (1st being Drew) and I guess the added shock factor is that no one has seen him in A WWE ring in almost 10 years. The last time he was here I was in primary school watching Pokémon and trading match attax now I'm fully grown man and the best in the world has finally come back. I know Drew doesn't particularly like him but I don't care it's CM Punk I have to go say hi

"Um-- uh-uh-h-h-hi I'm Jay by the way uh Jay McIntyre. I-im a big fan." I said while struggling to stand up straight. Punk could tell I was an absolute nervous wreck and I was starstruck beyond belief. "So here we are WWE's best new signing. And CM Punk." He said which really made me feel great as I was being praised by my idol and maybe one day I will have a match with or against him maybe even both. "Thank you so much that really means a lot to me coming from you - wait a second you know." I said still barley able to function at the shock of meeting CM punk for the first time. "Yeah management told me you signed I look forward to seeing you in the ring maybe you might be on the recieving end of a GTS." He said with a smile "you might find yourself tapping out to a deadly cross face." I laughed. "I see a future world champion in you." Punk said. Well that was an ego boost and a half. "Thank you so much I'll never forget this." I said back as I could see the smile on punks face knowing that he had just made my day right there. "See you around." I said with a massive smile knowing I had just met my hero. "Yeah." Punk replied.

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