Chapter 3: living the dream

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Jays POV:

Well that's it I'm signed, hell fucking yeah I'm a WWE superstar. Well I have a plan, I'm gonna wear a mask act all mysterious and shit, then I'm gonna debut at survivor series help out drew and the Judgment day and god knows from there. I mean I could join the judgment day they are the faction that runs all of WWE, nah. I mean they could help me take on the bloodline, they would owe me one after I help them beat team fake ass fucking supposed good guys.

Firstly there's Cody Rhodes, stupid ass neck tattoo, wah I need to finish my story. Feel bad for me I get my ass kicked every week but I'm still great. Then there's Sami zayn, I'm a big fucking joke but hey I kicked Roman reigns' ass once so now I'm a badass. I had my big emotional wrestlemania moment fuck everyone else. Then there's Seth Rollins, absolute fucking dickhead that stupid laugh, stupid faced cross dressing chicken shit. Then the worst of them all, Jey uso. Similar story to Sami but he was 10 times worse. He was a coward bowed down to Roman and became his bitch. Not caring about anyone but Roman. Fucking disgrace, kicked Romans ass a couple times all of a sudden he is cool. Yet the fans all cheer for these guys, But now it's my era I would die I'm that ring just for the fans. I'm headed for the gold.

(First Vignette)
The camera faded to black and it came back on to me sitting on a chair with a mask on and I went on to say "none of you know me but give it a couple months you all will." I had said into the camera while fidgeting a bit "you will see me soon at survivor series I'm not revealing what I'm gonna do but you will know soon enough." I took a breath "well any wrestler that plans to attend survivor series I would watch your back." I said as the camera had faded to black once again. I fucking killed it. Well I hoped so at least

"Yo" I said greeting Drew. "Yo man." He replied. "There's the mystery man himself" Finn balor said as him and the rest of the judgment day walked over to us. "Yeah that's me" I replied to him "so the plan is wether we're winning or not you run out and help and we win yeah" Dom asked me. "Sounds about right I replied "I'm Jay by the way Drew's cousin". "Cool we're all hanging out tomorrow you and drew wanna come with." Rhea asked me, "y-y-yeah cool" I just barely managed to get out. Rhea ripley just talked to me no way. I'm sure as hell living the dream, I mean I like her a lot but who the fuck doesn't let's be honest here, nothing will ever come of it of course cause firstly she's with Dom and secondly I'm still not ready for anything serious since Abby passed away.

I had made it back to my hotel room hooked up my playstation to the telly and just relaxed for the night

I tweet: sorry guys no stream tonight I'm on the road out in America and Im too fucking tired

A fan replies: yo bro wyd in America you signing for WWE??? #jaytotheusa

Shit I'm so fucking dumb why the hell did I mention that I'm in America well time to make up some excuse.

I reply: nah I'm injured, getting put through a flaming table off of a ladder usually does that to ya, just hanging out with Drew while I heal

Drew came back "hi" he said as he picked up a second controller "want a game of FIFA." He asked me "yeah i replied." Games of FIFA was usually just talking about life with the occasional Fuck off EA sports. "Well you excited to debut." He asked me, "yeah it's all I can think about" I had replied as the shot I took went absolutely flying over the crossbar, "swear down the controls keep getting worse" I had commented. "Sounds about right" drew replied as the game resumed. " How you been doing man usually we always talk about how I'm doing", "great to be honest I mean I'm finally trying to win a world title in front of the fans". "I'll be there for that win man." I told him as the score of the game was 4-1 for me. 5-1, "bullshit." Drew replied "shit man it's like 3 in the morning." I replied after I checked the time on my phone. "Well I'm off to bed." Drew said as he got up and left. "Goodnight bro" I said as he left.

I won lol, but anyway I need some fucking sleep, yeah that's one thing about being out on the road I needed my god damn sleep schedule fixed.

An alarm woke me up next day and I almost threw my phone across the room fuck waking up early to be honest I saw that drew was already up and we both got ready and went off to the gym

"So what you doing once you debut". Drew asked "don't know might join the judgment day" I replied. I mean so far I am cool with all of them. As I walked to go to another machine guess who I ran into, Jimmy and Solo, without Roman but I'm not too surprised about that his arse is probably at home doing fuck all how the hell is he still the champion anyway in the 3 years he has been champ. He defended the damn thing around about 50 times. I know I hate Seth but at least he defends the damn thing. There's so many people waiting in line for a chance at glory like Drew, myself, and many more people.

Jimmy starts to try start some shit with me pushing me around and stuff and I wasn't gonna take that lying down because Jimmy is an absolute pussy so I punch him right in the face and he just falls to the ground. Solo then goes after my I try to fight him I punch him a couple times but Jimmy gets back up superkick and Solo Samoan spikes me. I just got my ass kicked in a fucking gym great, Drew walks over headbutts Solo and grabbed Jimmy by the neck and threw him up against the wall. Drew helps me up, I start losing my shit on Jimmy kicking him while he's down as he yelled in pain. Drew then told Me to leave it as I left.

Well that was a real interesting morning im not gonna lie I kicked Jimmy's arse solo kicked mines and then Drew kicked solos all In the middle of a public gym but anyway I would meet the Judgment day for lunch.

"Hi" I said as I walked in meeting them "hey man" JD said, he had only just recently joined the judgement day but he was pretty loyal to them seems like a great guy to have around. Me and Drew sat down and talked to all of them. "How'd you get into wrestling anyway" Dom asked me, "well I saw Drew wrestle and I decided I wanna do that too." I wasn't any good to start out with but I've been improving In the ring. You should watch one of my matches on YouTube they get mental at times. In one match I got shoved right into a pit of barbed wire." "That fucking hurts" Finn replied "I wrestled out on Japan for ages the matched were really technical out there". Finn said. "Dom why do you hate your dad man" I asked trying my best not to sound rude in the process. "Just that he was always out on the road when I needed him man and anyways I'm at the height of my career with the judgment day anyway so there isn't even any need to look back".  While I did feel like Dom was being really hard on his dad I'm on his side cause I'm cool with him and I would be helping out his team at Wargames. Damian and rhea then told me about the NXT day's and Lastly JD had talked about NXT UK, I had been to a few Events for NXT UK and I'm not gonna lie the wrestling was really good I tried to join but I got rejected but after happiness, pain, hard work, improvement and now I'm finally here.

As I left I told Drew that I think the judgment day are cool. "Eh they're ok I guess" he replied

I'm really happy that I'm kinda getting to know the judgment day now.

There we go the judgment day are finally in the story I'm actually enjoying writing this still have so many different places I want to go with it and we're only getting started

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