Chapter 4: closer

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Jay's POV

Friday: survivor series is 8 days away but I feel like doing something right now. So the plan tonight on smackdown was to shoot another vignette and fuck with the number 1 contender match with the tag titles. I'd been hanging around with the judgment day since I signed and they're ok. Well Rhea and Dom are cool. Finn he is too, JD isn't that bad, but I fucking hate Damian. First of all he thinks he's the leader, are you fuck pal, secondly he's so full of himself. Thirdly he's a shit wrestler that can't cash in a fucking briefcase and lastly I just dislike him. But at Wargames I will have to put up with him to help the judgment day get the win, but if he pushes me I'm kicking his ass on live ppv no questions asked.

There wasnt much to do but Everyone else was busy with signings, Interviews and all that shit so I just walk around doing my own thing. I should probably appreciate this as now would be the last couple weeks I could just walk down the street and no one would notice me from the telly or Social media when I eventually reveal who I am.

I tweet: really nice here out in Indiana guess if there's a positive thing to come from an injury then it sure is getting to travel the world.

It was later In the day and I had arrived at the arena where I met with Dom who was wrestling a dark match against Cody Rhodes that night. "Hi" I said as I say down next to him, "so you're running in on the tag title match." Dom questioned. "Yeah they won't exactly be 100% for the title match next week that's what I'm thinking." I had replied. I was pretty out of it though as I never got any sleep last night I was just up thinking about Abby man. For some reason it always happens to me every once in a while where all these negative thoughts pop into my head, it's like a voice or something.

The Voice usually says things like "it's all your fault" and "it should be you 6 feet under not her" and to some extent I think it's right which then after I was half asleep I was then snapped back to reality by Dom. "Jay, Jay you good man" he said in an attempt to get my brain back to planet earth. "Sorry man just been daydreaming and shit." "I've been there like when you're just on a different planet kinda." He replied to me. I then got ready to shoot another vignette to tease my masked man personas next move.

"Well I'm back this time I have my sights set on a match tonight so I would pay close attention to the show tonight folks, you don't wanna miss this one I assure you that." I said to the camera as it once again faded to black. Who the fucks ideas was it to shoot these shitty vignettes. Wait a minute it was my idea, I was going nowhere but finally tonight is when I would make my first appearance in the ring and I didn't really have an exact strategy. It was more just let all my rage out and try not to get my arse beat.

The match was going on as normal and the street profits were absolutely destroying pretty deadly and the brawling brutes. I watched on as I felt it was time to interfere. "Should I come with" Dom asked me, "nope then they'll all know I'm working with you guys" I replied as I put my mask on and was ready to kick some arse into the next century.

As I sneakily walked down through the crowd I thought a little, I fucking hate all 3 of these teams so it's not so pointless after all that I'm attacking them. As I hopped the barricade security let me by because they knew I was a signed WWE wrestler. I cleared the announce table.

"What the hell is he doing" Kevin Patrick said as he looked on, I grabbed that weirdo Elton prince and power bombed him through it "fuck you ya dick you deserve it" I said in a very clearly pissed of tone. Oh shit I forgot PG programme, Triple H is probably gonna have a word with me now that I've went and done that. Angelo Dawkins came running at me so I fucked under because you don't wanna get ran into by him I'll tell you one thing, he turned back around Superkick. Who cared if it's the most overused move in wrestling it sure as hell gets the job done.

Montez ford tried to dive onto me but I moved last second, thank god for that well that's 3 people wiped out oh shit, I see the absolute unit of Bobby Lashley absolutely fucking sprinting at me and I got speared in half to say the least. After around 2 minutes of lying on the ground I got up, punched Bobby Lashley square in the jaw knocking him to the ground which could of gone a lot worse considering the size of him then the size of me. I grabbed Kit Wilson and sent him flying face first onto the barricade. If you're wondering how I get away with all of this it's triple threat tag meaning no rules meaning all things I did were perfectly fine. I grabbed a chair and just started losing my shit on the brawling brutes but as ridge Holland was down and out bitch got back up behind me and dropkick, butch then grabbed my hand which is not a good sign as he tried to break my fingers I was hearing cracks and everything. He then got my arm out and fucking stomped on it the god damn sociopath

"Masked man taking some really hard hits right there that's gonna leave a mark" Kevin Patrick added

"No Kevin it would more likely break several bones" Corey graves said. As I got back up and started losing my shit on butch and hit a DDT. I got back up and kept stomping on him but I probably shouldn't have because montez ford absolutely wiped me out. I once again returned to the ring after slightly recovering and whacked montez in the head with a chair

(Completely aware chairshots to the head are banned in WWE but fuck it this is a wattpad book so who cares)

Then I started hitting Elton prince in the back with the same chair I had decided that I had done enough damage to all 6 men so I exited the ring not before hitting Bobby Lashley in the back with a chair and I made my way up the ramp and backstage letting Bobby Lashley interfere putting Montez's arm over Elton Prince to get the pin and the Victory meaning they would face Finn And Priest next week. Well I sure have put the locker room on notice anyway.

As I was walking to the locker room Kayla Braxton stopped me for an interview. "Ok fine I'll do an interview." I said as the camera started filming. "Well you made a heck of a first impression right there by completely messing with the triple threat tag team match for the tag titles but why did you do it, do you have anything to gain" Kayla asked me as she was kneeling down to appear even shorter than she already was. That was something they did for interviews, "well the reason I did it was because I felt like it and I did actually have something to gain. What I just did out there proved that I'm a force to be reckoned with and not some Joke in a Halloween Costume" I replied. "Well who are you anyway will we ever get to find out." Kayla asked me. "Well Kayla watch survivor series where I will show the world who I am, you at home should also watch survivor series." I said looking directly into the camera and I walked away. Well fuck it I'm gonna say that didn't go too badly.

I went and changed back from Freaky masked man to Jay McIntyre and went to catering where I met once again you know who, the god damn bloodline but probably for the best I decided to not interact with them and I instead talked to Dom, who had a dark match with Cody Rhodes coming later that night. I watched the later on matches that were just there to further the fued between team Belair and Damage Ctrl. I'm not gonna lie I kinda like Damage Ctrl I hope they win at Wargames. Me and Dom just talked about the match well after that was finished it was Dom's turn for a match. He went and was due to face Cody Rhodes. I stayed backstage as once again if I came out with the Judgment day everyone would know that's my plan.

Well Dom got his ass handed to him by Cody but what was I expecting like that was the pretty obvious answer. I wish I could a helped him but I can't. Dom walked backstage battered and Bruised and we soon after left the arena and back to the hotel
Another chapter over I kinda procrastinated on this one cause I just didn't feel like it but we got it here now anyway Jay just ran into a match and ruined it with interference just like a real judgement day member

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