chapter 1: another day?

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Jays pov:
I had woke up on an average Wednesday morning. He had trained early in the morning and went back to bed as usual I had a match coming up at the weekend so I got back up made myself eggs.

After I was finished I went to work on my punching bag which had a picture of Seth Rollins face on it because he beat drew at crown jewel recently. It's not like he cheated or anything but still, he really pissed me off in general form his annoying laugh and ridiculous fashion sense and him being an all round cunt in general he just had a really punchable face. Well if I was to randomly join the WWE today I would go after him 2nd. Right after those cheating bastards in the bloodline. Especially those fucking clowns Roman and Solo. Absolute cheating dicks that can't win a match on their own, I may be in over my head here but I think I could kick both of their asses especially if it was in a tag team match with drew.

Honestly I think the WWE has a lot of arseholes that could get taught a lesson, but it's ridiculous ill probably never get signed but who knows gotta keep putting the work in. I didn't really have much to do today other than working out so I phoned up Alex and asked if he wanted to do anything today,

"yo man you wanna mess about today" I asked "eh maybe been procrastinating on my essay too much but fuck it one more day won't hurt." He replied back over the phone" That's how it is man pain in the arse writing stuff you don't give 2 shits about that's why I only really write when I'm passionate about something get me" I had told him, "yeah but I'll phone you back if I find anything we can do" he said "right catch you man" I had replied with and I then proceeded to hang up

I'm not gonna lie Alex is one of three people that have kept me alive the other 2 being Drew and my Dad. I've been struggling with my mental health got hooked on drugs and I spiraled from there I still feel like shit quite a lot of the time but I'm getting there. I went and loaded up GTA and was planning to go to the gym later on  in the day, I sat around bored out of my mind and I was ready to leave the house until I had heard a knock on the door.

Eh probably the postman or something I had proceeded to open the door and who I saw gave me an extremely pleasant surprise. "Y o Drew how ya doing man" I greeted him "naw bad how bout you, is it getting any better" he replied with. "Yeah I think working harder really helped me get back man I'm Aff the drugs now I don't drink as much" I told him. "How's your dad" drew asked me. "He's great" I answered

"what you doing here you're busy as hell how'd ya find the time to fly down and visit me I questioned. "well Why I'm here does relate to the WWE you know we sent someone out to see your matches and everyone was pretty impressed with your talent and I asked Triple H if he could sign you" he told me. "Oh my god your taking the piss ain't you iss is some sort of prank or something I don't know". "Nope no prank all real." Drew replied
"NO WAY MAN" I exclaimed in a surprised tone.

Holy shit I was literally just thinking about signing with the WWE and then Drew tells me this well it seems like I'm ready for a new beginning in my life well I have only known about this for a minute I was even told that I was joining yet but hopefully sometime really soon I am standing in a WWE ring showing the World what Jay McIntyre can do.

Drew then gave me Triple H's Number to call him and to try arrange what was gonna happen like how much I'm getting paid, when am I gonna debut and all that, but if I'm being totally honest I don't really care as long as I get to work for WWE I'm absolutely over the moon and I can't wait to see what happens from here on out.

I then let drew in and we caught up a bit more as the day went on he then said that he'll stay over at his tonight and he would fly me out to America in a couple days to meet triple H finalize things and finally start working my dream job at the highest level

First chapter already finished I'm sorry if it's all over the place I'm still tryna get used to writing, hope you guys liked it and what do ya think Jay will do now that he's off to the WWE

JudgmentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora