Chapter 5: New friends and enemies

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Jay's POV, Monday morning

Another episode of raw awaits but once again I would just be doing my creepy masked man shit. The idea of some secret identity fucking super villain ass gimmick was a misfire that's for sure. But I mean at survivor series it would pay off, right well hopefully at least some of the crowd will know who the hell I am, I think so anyway. Over the weekend I've been spending a lot of time with the judgment day. Rhea and Dom are cool, JD's ok I guess but I don't really like Finn or priest I think they both kinda have their heads up their asses. I mean Priest especially coming out saying he's the leader of judgment day. Are you fuck pal, anyone with more than 4 functioning braincells can tell that Rhea runs the show and you would be entirely right there. I mean Rhea's cool and she's smart and funny and just amazing and I like her- wait I meant as a friend I like her as a friend.

As I was daydreaming Drew snapped me out of it to say it was time to head to the arena. Once I got to the arena I just went and hung around with the judgment day. I mean the judgment day wasn't the most popular group around, well if you watched anything about WWE over the last year you could sure as fuck tell that the judgment day were generally disliked among the locker room. Well fuck everyone else I like them, but while I was trying to grab a bite to eat at catering I bumped into someone. That fuckface Jimmy, and weirdly enough no Solo right behind him. Well that's Jimmy becoming a brave boy not staying within a metre of solo so his arse doesn't get beat. It's not like he's doing anything right now but I want revenge for the gym. So I started punching the absolute shit out of him I whacked him in the face with a plate and started stomping the shit out of him.

I mean the rest of the locker room would break up a fight and they did but they did take their time cause no one fucking likes Jimmy uso not even his own twin brother. And there he is the big ugly brute Solo. Well he might be big and ugly but he could sure as hell kick my ass into the next millennia, but I put my fists up cause there's no harm in trying but before he could get to me everyone else at catering broke it up. So we were separated and other wrestlers were asking me what that was all about. "Dude you're crazy, how did that all start." Kofi asked me. "Will Jimmy and Solo beat my ass at the gym and I wanted to get them back." I replied. "You're Drew's cousin yeah." Xavier asked me. "Yeah, I'm a big fan by the way I love the new day." I told him with a smile. I can't believe I'm meeting so many people that just a few months ago I was watching on TV. "Damn you sure beat Jimmy up by the way." Kofi said "well yeah Im a wrestler back over home, out with an injury that's why I've been here on the road." I said trying not to reveal what I was actually planning to anyone. "So we ever seeing you in a WWE ring" Xavier asked me. "Maybe who knows, it was cool meeting you guys, New day rocks" I said as I walked away, "nice meeting you too." Xavier replied.

Well guys you'll be seeing me in a WWE ring much sooner than you think. I then saw Dom, he looked kinda worried though. "Triple H wants you in his office, probably for kicking Jimmy's ass." Dom said with a concerned look on his face. Well shit I'm fucking in for it. My mind was going at about 10 million miles an hour as I thought of every single possible scenario. I mean I could get a slap on the wrist, I might get like a punishment, fuck if I get fired I think all my organs would fail on the spot. He might congratulate me cause you know wrestlers beat each other up and what I just done proved that I'm good at my job.

I opened to Door to his office and I looked absolutely terrified to say the least and I think that Hunter could tell that just by looking at me. "I'm so sorry sir that was so uncalled for by me I shouldn't have done that." I said at about twice the normal talking speed. "Don't worry kid you're good just you know don't attack people In the middle of catering for future reference. Save it all for the ring." He said. Thank fucking god out every single scenario I thought might've happened that was one of the best. "Thank you sir" I said. "You can go now" he said and then I got up and left.

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