Chapter 2: signing

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Jays POV:
It's been a couple days since Drew had told me the news and I was bloody ecstatic to say the least. WWE has been the first and last thing on my mind ever since I had been told honestly, I could just explode right now I'm so god damn happy. So I had all my stuff packed from the previous night and I grabbed some breakfast and I was ready to go, then I hopped in my car and drove down to the airport where I would meet Drew and my Dad, IM GONNA WRESTLE FOR WWE HELL YEAH.

I had seen Drew and my Dad near the entrance when I had got to the airport and the 3 of us just talked about any damn thing we could think of to alleviate the boredom of waiting on a god damn plane. "I don't get how you guys can trust a big bloody metal bird around 30,000 feet in the freaking air honestly it's just scary man. I swear like they need to invent some teleportation shit idk." I told them. "Well you'll sure as hell have to get used to it the WWE involves a lot of flying." Drew added, "yeah guess so" I replied. I'm not gonna lie that's the downside of joining the WWE I fucking hate planes no real reason just something about being on a train that's in the sky that freaks me out a bit

(Flashback, flight down to Cardiff for clash at the castle)

"Shit, fuck me man I'm not getting on that thing nope nope nope" "Have you ever died in a plane crash" my girlfriend at the time Abby told me. "Nope" I answered, "do you know anyone who died in a plane crash" she questioned me again. "Nope I haven't." I said, "there you go you'll be fine no need to freak out." She had told me then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks that really helped me out there." I thanked her "nae bother see you when you're back." She said "Yeah" I had replied with.

(Back to the present day)
I did see her again. Well in a coma in a hospital bed, this is what strayed me from the right path, she had killed herself and it was all my fucking fault man i knew she had problems I tried to help but I didn't improve fucking SHIT, honestly I was completely fucking destroyed without her this is why I've been so fucked up I made a couple attempts on my life.

But then I called Drew he was always busy in America on the Road with the WWE but I needed some advice I was in a dark place the words he told me stuck with me I remember them and any time I think about relapsing, "well I'm no professional or nothing but if I speak from a personal experience, training is the best you can do get a friend go to the gym and grind, it's hurts like hell but after a while you'll feel fucking amazing."

Oh god he was right I felt absolutely amazing I had been wrestling for a while then and I was just performing on another level and that led to WWE noticing me and now I am about to live my fucking dream, hell fricking yeah. "Bye dad I'll phone you when we land." I told him "Lads go kick some arse for me" my dad said "trust us we will" we both told him. And god we meant that, I was ready to drop any cunt that even thought about standing in my way from here on out

We finally got on the plane I had been shaking a little but it wasn't really that noticeable I'm Not gonna lie my fear of flying is pretty illogical I guess I mean I'm completely fine jumping off 20 foot ladders and falling on barbed wire trampoline and going through glass. But flying on a plane no no no no no! "So what's the plan then." Drew asked me, "well for starters I'm planning on fucking killing everyone who was involved with the bloodline you in?" I told him "yeah" he said "well whenever you're ready I'm cool to teach Seth a little lesson in not being an arsehole. Well he should definitely watch his back." "See what I did there." I said "yeah" drew answered. "Well what you planning on doing then' I asked "well probably the same, revenge on the bloodline starting with Jey at Wargames, then when I'm done, I'll take my rightful spot as world heavyweight champion" drew told me. "Fair." I replied.

I just sat silently and went off into my own world but my mind wandering was completely interrupted by the captain informing everyone of the plane landing. No goddamn legroom honestly I'm convinced whoever runs airlines is the antichrist with some of the designs they get away with. We got off the plane and into the airport at Stamford Connecticut where I would be signing the contract and beginning my new life as a WWE wrestler. Look who's here fans, "Yo that's Drew" I heard a fan call. everything was just a blur of noise to me as im not too great around loads of people yet, "who the hell are you" one of them said. "Your fucking stepdad now move." I snapped back. I have to admit that was uncalled for but I'm tired and angry and hungry and some people need to learn the common concept of personal fucking space.

We got out of the airport and were on the way to WWE headquarters which I had never seen in real life before. "What was that about blowing up at a fan" drew asked. "Don't know must just be In a mood after the flight I'll work on controlling my anger and shit idk." I answered, "yeah fans can be pains in the arse sometimes but that's part of the job." Drew told me

I just kept to myself due to still being really tired and irritable at the time as we drove down in a rental but all was good cause in a few hours considering all goes well I'm gonna be a WWR wrestler and I'm gonna kick some ass that's for certain

Finally we're here and I feel nervous as hell this is the biggest moment of my life so far and I'm stressing thinking that I might mess up or something goes wrong and I don't end up signing I'm thinking all these different thoughts at once and my mind and heart are bloody racing. I was greeted by a receptionist as I entered the building and I asked to see Triple H so I could discuss contract terms and all of the boring stuff. Honestly I wouldn't give less of a shit if they paid me in GTA money as long as I get to wrestle here.

I had seen the judgment day walk by as I was making my way to triple H's office and I'm not gonna lie they're cool I like them. I know around everyone else in the entire god damn multiverse despises them but I was a fan plus Drew would be teaming up with them at war games in only a couple weeks time now which I plan to help th in that match you know usual shenanigans and interference that when I was just a fan I would complain about how stupid the referees were and I'm not gonna lie no I don't really care cause in my WWE career I'm taking a win as a win none of this bullshit all American squeaky clean superhero. I grabbed a pen and was ready to enter Hunters office and signt that contract.

"Drew and Jay how are you guys doing" he greeted us. "Amazing I told him" as I pulled out the pen getting ready to sign cause honestly I don't think I could've waited any longer I just wanted to sign the contract and get to work with the WWE and show the world what I can do. "Eager to sign I see" Hunter said. "not gonna lie I would probably sell a kidney if that meant I could work for this company. I've just been waiting to live out this dream for so long" I had said all of those words had come straight from the soul. "Well the money is a great step up and we are planning to pay you more if you perform well early on, we are expecting you to work a full time schedule, we'll sort air travel but for the rest your on your own and whenever you're ready sign there." Hunter told me.

Oh my god it's actually happening I'm a WWE wrestler. I'm sure I'll make a hell of a tag team with drew and there sure is about half a locker rooms worth of people I would be completely happy to hand an arse kicking to, so I took my pen and signed. I made it.

"I'm so happy to begin working here Sir I won't let you down" is what I set out loud. What I was saying on my mind was more along the lines of "holy shit yes fucking yes I made it yeeessss this is for you Abby I made it big time, that was all the thoughts that ran through my mind as I tried my best not to let my emotions out right then and there.


Chapter 2 done hopefully it's good probably isn't but Jay is a wrestler now and he's dedicating it to his late girlfriend next few chapters will be him adjustingbto life abroad and then eventually making his debut. Leave a comment favourite and stuff like that and see ya next chapter

JudgmentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ