Chapter 14

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So now I was in my own new little world.

Here to explore, all at my finger tips.

I spent the first night in my new apartment. My apartment was a pretty good size. It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, basement, 2 bathrooms, and of course a living room. The master bedroom was mine, then I had a guest room.

There were still boxes everywhere that I had to go through and organize or out down in the basement.

I decided to get up and make something to eat for myself for a change. I made myself eggs, SPAM, and some pancakes. I was pretty impressed with myself and what I managed to make which tasted pretty good.

Once I was done eating I took a shower, changed and put on some makeup while I brushed my long brown hair. I really need to dye my hair I thought to myself. Once I got ready I decided to go outside and enjoy what nature had to offer which I was restricted from for years.

Once I got out of the house I locked the door and wandered around. There was a shopping center across from where I lived with Starbucks, Target, Walmart, etc. I walked along the sidewalk down the street and there was a big park. It was a dog park but also had a playground and was full of children. I remember reading they had concerts here every summer. I was really going to look forward to that. I lived right across the street so I bet I would be able to hear it from my house! I continued walking and there was a retirement home, a middle school, some more houses, and then a big lake. It looked absolutely beautiful and next to it was another shopping center.

I walked around the lake and ended up on the other side. Next to the lake there was a beach club which I guessed was like a mini beach with sand. Guess I could check that out too sometime. I continued walking and passed skaters. I passed by the middle school again and then I knew where I was. Then there was a preschool next to my house too. Across the street was a Mormon church which I had no intention getting into. I decided I was done with churches because the last time I got involved no one seemed to care about me or what I was going through. No one cared about my well being, or if I needed help, and that isn't what a church is suppose to do is it? Then I receive messages MONTHS later asking where I've been? Just.. People are so strange and unreliable. I just felt like a bother and always had to ask and it just made it seem like no one wanted to talk to me or be around me. I didn't want to go through that again. I went to the same church as the one across the street and got taken advantage of.

There was a New Year's Eve dance I was invited to and so I decided to go with these two girls I had just met.

Worst. Mistake.

So Mormons aren't supposed to be dating or even kiss till they're older. The girl I went with was clung to this one guy for the whole night. I followed these girls around and just felt so annoying and a bother and just invisible. They didn't care about me they cared about boys and their friends. Not about someone coming into their and making a good first impression. Then the girl apologized after an she ending up kissing that guy like 7 times and regretted it.

What the hell.

So yeah I'm done with people and not interested in people who don't give a shit about me and just pretend to. If you don't want to be around me, then don't be. Tell me to my face instead of leading me on thinking I'm important to you.

I dozed off as I walked back to my house / apartment. Behind me house there was also a trail that lead to a basketball court and more houses. It was beautiful. The trees, the flowers, the view of the sky, and my bedroom window had this view of the trail.

Once I was done exploring for the day I decided to go back home.


That sounds so weird to say now.

But I like it.



A/N: Filler chapter sorry it short I didn't know what else to put. But yeah that's a description of where I live and what happened to me... I live with my family but I wish I lived alone. MY GOD I WISH I LIVED BY MYSELF. Ugh. More action will happen in the next chapter I promise.

Love you guys, thanks for reading. 💞

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