Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey guys, so this rehab center is probably way different than any other one, so please just go with it. I just kind of made it up as I went along and what I kind of pictured one to be like. So sorry if this is weird.


I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful green orbs. And the way his dark brown/ black hair fell across his face. Oh god what am I doing with my life. Here I am in rehab, going crazy about some guy who probably thinks I'm insane and weird for staring at him. Great. I stopped myself and just stared at the floor trying to distract myself.

"Mae?" I got snapped out of my thoughts by one of the counselors.

"Sorry. What was the question?" I looked at the floor. Playing with my hands.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"18." I responded.

The circle continued to go around. I looked up and he smiled at me. I think he could tell I was fighting with myself or something because he kind of turned his head as he looked at me. I turned away embarrassed. The group ended and now we had free time. Free time was we could do whatever. But really we couldn't because there were cameras always watching us. Making sure we wouldn't do anything stupid. I just wanted to be free and happy. I wanted to get out of this hell hole and not be around all of these low life people, I really shouldn't be talking but I liked to you know, breathe some oxygen every now and then. I haven't been outside in a long time. I felt like I was going insane and trapped in a cage. I just wanted to get out. But of course they have locks on all the doors and windows.

Jenna was going to come and talk to me but the two girls I was sitting in between invited me to hang out with them. I didn't deny. I could use some company besides for Jenna. I felt like a robot answering the same questions all the time and hearing the same responses. We went into a big room and sat on the couch and just talked. I looked around and some people were painting or drawing and others were playing guitar or had their headphones in. I looked around for Kellin but I didn't see him.

"I'm going to go and get a drink." I said to the girls.

"Okay." See ya." They responded.

I walked into the cafeteria and walked to the water machine. Whenever your hungry or thirsty or whatever during free time you can come down here and get whatever. I grabbed a cup, filled it up and was going to go back when I bumped into someone causing me to spill my water over them.

God I'm such a screw-up. It was a boy, he was wearing all black, was really tall with dark hair and piercings.

"I'm so sorry.." I managed to say say.

"Shut the fuck up you emo fatass bitch." He pushed me against the wall. That stung.

I tried to push him back but he pushed me against the wall again harder, causing me to hit my head and slide to the floor. He yelled at me causing everyone to look over.

"You think you're strong? That's cute sweetheart. You're such a worthless piece of shit. You can't even fill up a cup without fucking up." He laughed at me from above me.

"You know I already knew all of that shit but thanks for reminding me, dick." I stood up.

I wasn't going to let this guy think he's the boss of me or can say shit to me. I've dealt with it my whole life pretending it was okay and it wasn't. I was fucking tired of it.

"What did you call me bitch?" He came back at me.

I wasn't scared. If he hit me he was a goner and i'd never see him again. Which I was fine with.

"Do you really want to start shit right now. In here? Make a big old scene? Do you really think that's going to help? You heard me, don't try and act like your so much better than me." I responded. 

"Okay so why don't you tell me again,  you little worthless bitch. " He kicked me in my side. I closed my eyes and winced in the pain expecting more coming. But it stopped.

"Hey!" Someone came in front of me and pushed him away. I recognized him. It was Kellin.

"Awe that's cute you're going to stand up for her?" He asked intimidating Kellin.

I was shocked. Why was he doing this? For me?

"Just walk away man you're not helping yourself at all." Kellin responded.

"Whatever, strays." He still had the cup in his hand, it was half full and he threw it at me getting me wet.

He walked away and I just sat there wincing in pain. Everyone was looking at me and whispering. Kellin turned around to face me. He grabbed a couple of napkins and handed them to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking in my eyes as he crouched down next to me.

"Why did you stand up for me?" Was all that would come out of my mouth.

"What do you mean?" He asked me looking confused.

Finally some people came and took that guy away to talk to him. A lady came by and asked me what happened and if I was okay. Which I clearly was not. She came over to me and put her arm around me guiding me out of the cafeteria as I walked away looking at Kellin. He was looking at me and then we were in the health office. Thoughts swam around in my head.

Why did he stand up for me?
Why did he care if I was being bullied?
Does he like me?
- No. Why would he like ME. Of all people. I wasn't any special, stop being stupid. I don't even know him and he doesn't even know me. I bet he didn't even know my name.

Jenna took me to my room and I changed and dried my hair as she asked me questions of what happened. I told her from the start till when  she arrived.

"Well I'm proud of you that you stood up for yourself." She rubbed my back. I half smiled still thinking of Kellin.

"That was very brave. " she cupped my cheeks making me look at her. I smiled.

"And that was very nice of Kellin to stand up to him to. Did you tell him thank you?" She asked me putting my wet clothes in a bag to wash.

"Didn't get a chance to." I said staring at the floor feeling bad.

"Tell him tomorrow. After what happened today I don't think the professor would want you to go back out during free time." She responded standing in front of me.

"I will. Thank you." I said.

The Strays; Kellin Quinn Love Story {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now