Gotham's nightlife had never been quiet. No matter what, you could always count on the sounds of gunshots, explosions, or some random shit happening within the middle of the night to let you know that something was definitely happening somewhere.

Something you didn't want to know about.

This city was just that chaotic. It was eating itself, and the surveillance blimps weren't helping the case in any way. But that wasn't my problem.

Transversing through space, I appeared on the roof of a building that was rather decrepit in the lower slums of Gotham.

It was an abandoned factory with no life signs within hundreds of meters. Fairly isolated.

For a trap, it's a bit conspicuous. Just right to make sure that civilians don't get hurt in case there is an incident.

Practically deserted and could make someone suspicious.

But this could just be thrown on Bruce's weird meet up placing.

“He's here. Ready your positions”. I heard the distorted voice below me say in a hushed tone. Probably to the com link to other leaguers.

Like expected, an ambush. They were trying to mask their presence as much as possible, so I wouldn't notice.

How, might you ask? Magic.

Zatara was here, cloaked with an invisibility spell, alongside Martian Manhunter.

They weren't the only ones, though. Apart from Batman, who was standing out in the open within the warehouse, I quickly picked up the extremely fast fluctuations in a circular distance.

The Flash, Barry Allen, was obviously setting up the Space Jammer. A set of spherical devices created by Cyborg using mother box technology, working on similar principles as the Boom tubes. Only instead of creating portals, this one did the opposite, making sure no portal could be opened within its range by messing up the space nodes in the surroundings.

Cyborgs original plan for this baby was to create a planetary shield. Capable of detecting and preventing any and all unauthorized teleportation into Earth's premises, effectively defending against Darkseid.

It wouldn't just stop with Darkseid. This tech could also help Zatara and the rest of the Magic society to defend the earth from demonic invasions from other dimensions.

Giovanni had mentioned this problem to Cyborg due to the mysterious dimensional disturbance which was clearly felt by all magic users on the planet.

The Justice league had approved of it, even more so.

After all, such unrestricted entry was something the league didn't want to see.

Too bad, though, Cyborg hadn't been able to make it work on a larger scale. Mainly because the mass of the earth was too large and the power source to keep such a contraption working twenty-four seven was something the League couldn't afford.

Unless they decided to hook Captain Atom into it and drain him for all the energy he was worth.

Of course, that was on large scale. For a distance of less than a thousand meters, the Jammer would work just fine. Still, if Batman relied solely on that, then he wouldn't be Batman.

Zatara presently was gathering his mana and chanting a space confinement spell to create a double reinforcement.

I have to admit, though, the Magic power of this human was astounding. Casting such a spell, required a lot of Magic power, and such a large amount of Magic power, even within a concealment spell was as conspicuous as a blazing sun in front of my eyes.

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