11: Shopping

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The chapter ahead has alot of people pictures.
Plus thankyou for your love and support

 Plus thankyou for your love and supportEnjoyyyy

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I woke up at 11 am. I have this weird habit of checking my phone before leaving my bed. I opened my Instagram and I remembered the way I accidentally liked his picture that was embarrassing.

I opened my Instagram and went to my notifications only to see zaviyaar had sent me a follow request I was about to reject it but I don't know why I accepted it maybe because I liked his picture so it wouldn't be weird and I followed him back.

I freshen up and got ready for the day. Today I decided to wear something Eastern. As I had to go for the shopping.

Noor also came as I called her that she had to help me with shopping so I went downstairs I didn't have much time to eat so I just drank juice. It was already 1 pm and they arrived I saw Malaika and Zayyan entering the house.
Mama asked about Zaviyaar and Malaika said we are running late that's why he didn't come inside. I went towards the car, I was about to sit at the back.

"Aaliyana go sit in the front and we'll be coming with Zayyan Bhai" she said while leaving.

bhai= brother

I was about to stop her but she left before I could say anything. I opened the door of the car and got seated.

"Hi" I said. I guess he was thinking something I don't what.

"Hi how are you?" he asked

"I'm doing good you tell?" I said.

He said he was fine. He was looking good as usual he was wearing a full black outfit I guess he owns a lot of black outfits. We stayed silent and it was awkward. I wanted to ask him why he had said YES when I told him to say NO.

And I don't have a plan that will make him say NO.

And I don't have a plan that will make him say NO

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We reached Aaliyana's. She was coming towards my car. This is my first time seeing her in Eastern clothes believe me she looks so pretty I just want to stare at her forever. She came and sat in the car. We talked a bit and then we stayed silent the whole it was a bit awkward.

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