03: Flashback

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"Zaviyaar don't lie to me I know you've crush on her for 2 years." he said

Only he knows what happened 2 Years ago


2.5 years ago


Zaviyaar was in his room. He heard the clicking sound of the door opening and saw his mom entering the room

"Zaviyaar go pick Malaika from the cafe she is there with her friend" she said to which I simply nodded. After sometime he reached the cafe and saw Malaika sitting with her friend he saw her friend from the side.

He waved at Malaika to come to him then Malaika stood from her chair and started walking towards zaviyaar. Zaviyaar was leaning at his car and using his phone. Malaika reached near him

"Bhai meet my friend Aaliyana" she said

"Bhai meet my friend Aaliyana" she said

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Zaviyaar's pov:

"Bhai meet my friend Aaliyana" malaika said.

This was the first I met Aaliyana I've always heard of her through Malaika. When I saw her I stopped breathing. She was the most beautiful girl I've seen my world had stopped.

"Bhai" Malaika said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Hi Aaliyana" I said

"Hi," she said smiling at me. Omg her smile I could do anything to see that smile of hers again.

"Let's go" Malaika said I nodded.

Soon we reached home I called Azlaan he reached my place.

I told him everything and I regretted it because now he gets to tease me

After that Malaika used to tell me about Aaliyana.

One day at the dinner table

"Mom Dad Aaliyana is going to Canada for higher studies" she said I chocked on my food

"Zaviyaar are you okay?" Mom asked I simply nodded.

No way she is going I won't be able to meet her to get to know about her through Malaika ughhh I hate it soon I left the dining table and went to my room

Called Azlaan and told him everything

"Ab kya kare ga?" azlaan asked

(What'll you do now?)

"Pata nhi" I said stressfully

(I don't know)

I talked to him and realized there was nothing that I could do.

She left for Canada.


Soon Zaviyaar went to sleep and Azlaan went back to his house.


I woke up, went to the gym, took a shower, and left for the office. Azlaan was waiting for me there. He told me I had a meeting with a client at café.

I reached the cafe on time I ordered myself a coffee and waited for the client for almost 30mins then they called and said sorry we won't make it. I was pissed off. I got up from the chair, and grabbed my coffee cup. I wasn't looking where I was going basically I was zoned out. I bumped into someone whose white shirt was ruined because of my coffee.

'Look what have done. Are you blind or what?' she said looking at the stain on her white shirt.

"Oh so it's you I should've already guessed it." she said while looking at him.

She was the same girl whom I bumped into at the mall. Sometimes I think how people can talk this much.

"Are you going to apologize or what?" she asked me

"Look I told you I don't have time for this and you should watch where you going." I said while walking away

I wasn't trying to be rude but I know was rude I was just pissed off because of the client not showing up. When I saw her I felt like I had seen her somewhere I don't know where. She was pretty.

I came home at lunch time. All the family members were there except Malaika she has gone over to Aaliyanas.

"Dadi don't you think zaviyaar should get married?" Zayyan said looking at me mischievously

"Main tu kab se khe rahi hoon ais ki shaadi karo takke main bhi par pota ya poti ko dekh lein" dadi said

(I've been saying this for the longest time we also want to see our grandchildren)

I chocked on my food

Not again I thought

"Maa Aqib (zaviyaar's dad) ki dost beti mujhe bohut Pasand hai mujhe ap zaviyaar se kahain ke chale" mom said to dadi

(Mom there's a daughter of Aqibs friend. I like her a lot just say him to give them a visit)

"Zaviyaar hum do din tak tumhara rishta dekhana Jain gaye tum tyaar rehna"dadi said.

(Zaviyaar we'll be going for your proposal so be ready)

Everyone in the house knows I never say no to dadi

"Per dadi" I said

(But dadi)

"Per wer Kuch bas do din tak tyar rehna" dadi said to which I simply hummed

(No buts just get ready we'll be going)

"Dad when is chachu coming back?" I asked to divert the conversation.

Chachu Chachi and their kids had gone to attend a wedding

"Most probably in a week or so" Dad replied I finished my lunch and went to my study did some office work and went to sleep.

I wasn't in a mood to have dinner so I just skipped it.










Will zaviyaar be able to meet Aaliyana again?

Do tell me if you point out any mistakes. You guys can also follow me on my instagram for spoilers, updates, and reels @__bibliobazaar_

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Have a great weekend. Take care I'll meet you with the new chapter on WEDNESDAY.


Thankyou for reading.

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