Chapter 39

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"Sorry?" I asked, sure that my ears must be deceiving me.

"I was inviting you," Professor Slughorn continued, looking slightly annoyed that I was making him repeat himself, "to a gathering I hold for my most talented students. This Tuesday, 6 o'clock. I hope you can make it."

The plump professor toddled off down the hallway. I blinked. I was being recognized for my potions skill? It was laughable. I was barely passing the class, let alone showing the promise of a talented student. I knew that there was only one person who could convince Slughorn to let me come to his monthly dinners infamously known as Slug Club.

"Wasn't me," Regulus claimed, throwing his bookbag over his shoulder after leaving DADA. 

"So then you think I got in out of pure skill?"

Regulus shifted his jaw, his eyes twinkling. "Alright, maybe not then. I mean, I have mentioned your name a couple of times, asking if I could bring you as a date, but I'd never thought he would take me up on it. It'd be nice if you came though, then at least it would be tolerable."

"Hm," I said, thinking. "Well, Lily likes it. If I can get out of patrol, I'll be there."

He nodded, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead before veering off toward the Slytherin dorms. "Good. See you."

I watched his slender frame grow farther and farther away, and I couldn't stop thinking about what had been on my mind since last week in the dungeons when he told me he loved me. Regulus had so much to worry about, not just classes or OWLS like the normal kids our age, but he was juggling so much more. Despite everything, he still made time for me. 

Getting invited to the Slug Club was a bigger deal than I had anticipated. Katie explained to me that only ten students were chosen each month, so it was a coveted invitation. I tried to roll out the door in jeans, but Shirley practically tackled me, stuffing me in her dress and enlisting all of my roommates to devote their night to helping me get ready.

"You look beautiful," Shirley chorused. 

"I feel overdressed," I said, staring at my reflection in the mirror. Shirley's long navy dress fit tight to my skin, with a sash wrapping around my neck, exposing my collarbone before falling behind me to the floor. 

"Please," Mandy said, a hairpin in her teeth. "Audree and Lucinda will be there. If anything, you're underdressed."

"Ugh." I had forgotten they would be there. Although I liked some of them, the Slug Club members as a whole were some of my least favorite people – not only Audree and Lucinda,  but Avery, Rosier, and even Bertram. "I'm not sure about this."

"You're going," they chimed. 

Once I was ready, I started down the stairs to the common, playing with the itchy sash. I twisted it and groaned, trying to get it unstuck.

"Addy," Katie said behind me, with a voice a mix of warning and delight. 

I turned back towards her, following her gaze to the common room below. 

Regulus stood, one hand in his pocket, one on his chest. He looked up at me with magic in his eyes and lips slightly parted. His usual messy hair was combed back and matched his perfectly fitting navy suit, matching my dress exactly. I think my jaw might have dropped at the sight of him.

"You're here," I smiled, walking over.

"Well, yeah," he mumbled, shifting in his stance and quite uncomfortable with the numerous Gryffindor eyes on him. "I invited you. A date, you know."

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