Chapter 20

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It took a lot of convincing for my parents to allow me to return to Hogwarts for the second semester. Dumbledore confirmed that Mulciber would not be permitted to continue his education at Hogwarts. Apparently, he had brutally attacked Mary MacDonald, one of James's friends, in a similar way last year, so this was the last straw for him. However, much to my disgust, Bertram only received a month of suspension because it was his first serious offense. Rosier and Wilkes, the only others that were caught, had the same punishment.

Truthfully, I spent the first week of Christmas vacation making my parents promise to never send me back to that awful school. I had bruises all over from that fight almost a week afterward, despite Madam Pomfrey's best efforts. I cried every night, hoping I would get sick again and not have to go.

However, after the first week or so of vacation, I remembered how much I hated life before Hogwarts, back when I was sick. James spent the second week of holiday visiting Remus so the monotonous days of being home alone with my parents felt strikingly similar to every other day of my life before this year. By the time James returned, I had decided I would rather live in the Forbidden Forest than at home. Don't get me wrong – I love my parents more than anything.  But compared to the past few months at Hogwarts, it's just a little... boring. 

My parents had taken my side on the whole "don't-make-me-go-back-there-I-almost-died" situation, so James and I had to work hard to change their minds. In the end, they let me go (as long as I promised to stay out of trouble), and James and I set off on the train together once again.

My first class back after the break was Potions, and Slughorn had some changes for the new year.

"There will be a new seating chart," he announced. "We will be working in partners for the rest of the term."

I frowned at Katie, Mandy, and Shirley. We had grown used to our table in the corner, but we reluctantly shrugged.

"McDandy and Gudgeons, here," Slughorn called. 

Mandy shot me a discreet smile as she moved to the table she shared with Davey.

"Cruhguntager and Cresswell, this table please," he continued. Shirley and Katie were the least close out of all us roommates, but they still looked happy to be paired.

Lucinda rolled her eyes when she found out she was paired with Wilkes, and Audree had the same reaction to being paired with Rosier.

Both of their partners were suspended, so Slughorn allowed them to work together. 

Slughorn looked back at the list. "Black and Potter."

A few weeks ago, I would have barfed if you told me I had to be Potions partners with Regulus Black. Now, after the events in the Forbidden Forest, I didn't know where we stood. 

When Slughorn announced us as a pair, I shot him a look across the room, hoping for some form of mutual understanding after the other night.

Regulus obviously didn't feel the same way. He audibly scoffed, without even looking at me. He stomped over to his seat and sat down, tilting his head away from my spot next to him. I slowly followed him to our desk, a bit apprehensively. I didn't understand why he was treating me like this. I thought we were in a better place now.

Once we were all seated, Slughorn explained that our task for today's class was to work with our partners to create a Restoring Potion. The group with the best potion received extra points on the next exam. 

I noticed Regulus straighten at the mention of a competition, and I realized I did the same.

"I don't lose," Regulus said, staring intensely at the glass vial in front of him, doing anything he could to avoid looking my way. "So don't touch anything." 

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