Chapter 6

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It's been five hours since the Sorting Ceremony and I still can't stop smiling. After I was sorted, I was immediately embraced by the arms of dozens of red-and-gold robed students. Familiar and unfamiliar faces alike smiled and welcomed me to the Gryffindor house. After a long and delicious feast, I made my way to my the dorms for the very first time. I walked with James and he let me say the password - Precious Parsnips - as the Fat Lady let us in with an amiable tip of her head. 

I met my roommates soon afterwards. They all seemed a bit disoriented by the fact that they had someone joining their bunk in the fourth year, but otherwise seemed nice. 

Shirley Cruhguntager was a petite girl with curly blonde hair that was bigger than she was. She had glasses and braces on her teeth. 

Her best friend was Mandy McDandy, who had short black hair cut into bangs and olive colored skin.

Katie Cresswell was the third, and she was quiet and kept to herself. She was tall with dark skin, and her long hair was done into an assortment of braids. Upon meeting her, I realized she was the girl I was about to sit on the train with the day before, before Audree had grabbed me.

Shirley and Mandy were extremely inquisitive, and they kept asking me questions about homeschooling until I had to excuse myself to sleep. Katie's nose was in a book the entire evening, but her big brown eyes would occasionally peer around the room.

A few hours later, I still couldn't fall asleep. After tossing and turning in bed for what felt like forever, I finally decided to explore, so I ventured down to the common room.

I could see the room's beauty, even in the pitch black of the night. The homey carpeting, crackling fire, and towers of blankets added to the cozy ambience. I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the soft couch. I closed my eyes, listening to the peaceful quietness of the night.


I shot straight up at the noise, but the dim light of the fire didn't light up the room enough for me to see whatever had caused it. 

"Hello?" I called, warily.


I heard the noise again.

"Lumos," I whispered pointing my wand at the source. The light lit up the face of a boy standing a dozen feet away from me. He was holding the biggest bag of "Cheezo's" that I had ever seen, and the orange powder was stained all around his mouth. He froze at my wand's light like a deer in headlights, eyes wide open. I took a step back in surprise, but the boy slowly lifted another Cheezo to his mouth, unfazed.

"Um, hi," I said.

"Hi," he said, walking over to me and sticking out his hand. "I'm Tom."

I glanced at his palm, full of Cheezo powder. I delicately shook his fingertips. "I'm Addy."

"You're the new one, right? Well, nice to meet you. I'm running out of these," he said, shaking the bag. "I'll catch you later."

As he walked away, yellow robes glinted against the light of my wand.

"Wait, are you even in Gryffindor?" I called after him.

"Um, well... no. But we don't have any more Cheezo's at the Hufflepuff dorm. Someone ate them or something," he said, playing with his collar sheepishly.

"Got it," I smiled. "Nice to meet you!" I called, as he disappeared back into the kitchen. I took this as my sign to go back to my bunk and attempt to sleep again, which thankfully worked.

Upon entering the common room on my way to breakfast the next day, I found James sitting in a big brown chair, waiting for me.

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