Chapter 16

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I had been to a couple of Hogwarts parties, like Sirius's birthday party, where Peter accidentally fell on top of a flour cake that Sirius had planted for Snape, but I hadn't ever felt the need to stay for longer than an hour or so.

Surprisingly, I was actually excited for this post-match party. It would be the first party I attended with Bertram officially as my boyfriend.

I pulled on a tight blue dress and laced my Doc Martens. Pulling the fabric down in the mirror, I bit my lip as I realized I must have grown since I last wore it. It barely reached my mid-thigh. It was a lot more coverage than what the other girls in my year were wearing though, and it wasn't like Mum and Dad were here. For match parties, I was told, everyone went all out. My usually wavy hair was straightened with two little braids framing my face. I dabbed on the last bit of blush and smacked my lips to finish applying my lip stick. I smiled a little in the mirror. I looked pretty. I grabbed a white bag to match my shoes and marched out of the bathroom to see my roommates.

"You look beautiful!" Mandy squealed. Her high pink sneakers matched her blush-colored dress. She wore black eyeliner that framed her Asian features gracefully.

"And you look gorgeous!" I smiled back.

"Have fun, guys," Katie mumbled, her eyes peeking up from her book for less than a second.

"Tell me everything!" Shirley said bitterly from her bed. I felt terrible – it was the worst night to have the stomach flu.

Mandy and I walked down the stairs to the Gryffindor common room which was filled with students pre-gaming for the party.

"And then Madame Rosmerta gave me this whole crate of firewhiskey! For free!" Sirius was bragging, per usual, showcasing his box of firewhisky bottles as a crowd of about half the Gryffindor population cheered him on.

"Hey, guys," I said, as Mandy and I approached the group.

James, Remus, and Peter turned around. Sirius continued telling his story to three sixth-year girls.

"What on earth do you think you're wearing?" James was taken aback. He ran his hand over his head out of habit, making his brown hair look even more messy.

I looked him up and down. He was wearing a white polo and khakis like every other Hogwarts boy, so he was not one to be criticizing my outfit. "Pajamas," I joked.

His eyes narrowed. "I've... never seen you wear a dress before."

"Guess what, doofus?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm a girl."

James frowned. "Are you sure you're allowed to be wearing that?"

"I can take care of myself, thank you." He was being a jerk. Why does he think he has so much power over me?

"Well, I think you look nice." Peter peeked out from behind James.

I smiled softly at him. Mandy had just told me about Peter's failed attempt to ask out Alice Fortescue. She declined because she was secretly dating a seventh-year. I felt bad for the poor guy, and he needed all the smiles he could get.

"Don't take her side, Wormtail," James groaned.

"I like the color," Remus offered.

Sirius stopped his conversation to see what all the fuss was about. He made eye contact with me, and his face turned rather pale. He just nodded in agreement with Remus.

"Come on, Mandy," I said, turning away from James.

"Well, we're leaving!" James huffed.

"Have a blast," I sarcastically retorted.

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