Chapter 17: She Won't Like Him

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Kaveh couldn't be any more excited for Spring Break. He needed it desperately. A whole week back home not having to worry about any homework. He'd get to see his mom and sleep in his own bed and oh he couldn't wait to properly explore Sumeru City. Over the spring semester, his mother once again moved back there. She had said it was easier for work, but he knew she must've gotten caught. He wasn't the only who messed up from time to time. Packing was a bitch though.

"You really need all that clothes?" Alhaitham was laying on Kaveh's bed, looking up from his book with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course! I never know what I might need. It's better to overpack than under pack!" Kaveh wouldn't mention the large amount of clothes he had at home. "You sure you want to spend Spring Break with me? Don't you have family to visit."

"No," Alhaitham looked down at his book again, "Even if my grandmother was still alive, I wouldn't want to see that homophobic hag. And my parents died when I was young. So it's just me in an empty home. And your mother wanted to meet me as well. This is much better than how I planned to spend my spring break." Woah, some deep Alhaitham lore.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"I didn't expect you to know. Don't worry. I've come to terms with it a long time ago. No use dwelling on the past." Kaveh always wondered how the human stayed so strong. He zipped up his suitcase before join Alhaitham in bed, plopping down on top of him. "I will say I am a bit nervous to meet your mother."

"Don't be. I'm more worried she'll like you more than me," Kaveh chuckled, "I did have to tell her that you think I'm human though. She'd be upset otherwise. But again, don't worry. She's a sweetheart. She'll love anyone I love." Alhaitham being worried was over nothing. He knew his mom well and she'd be happy that he had someone like Alhaitham.

There was a knock at the door before Cyno poked his head in, looking in and wiggling his eyebrows at Kaveh, "TCG?"

The vampire whined and rolled around in the bed, "I'm tirredddd. How about tomorrow?" Cyno was no fun to play with anyways. He always beat him. No fun when you aren't winning.

"I'm busy tomorrow. I bought wine. Also you can't get tired." Kaveh contemplated. It was tempting. But still, he was mentally exhausted from the events of this week.

"I'll play TCG with you," Alhaitham closed his book, putting it to the side, "If you have an extra deck. Mine is in my dorm." Cyno looked shocked for a moment before quickly nodding in excitement. "Kaveh, you want to watch?"

Kaveh stuck his tongue playfully and then shook his head, "Nah. You boys should have your human time. I'll bother Nari. We'll steal some of that wine from you."

"Human time?" The two said in unison, Kaveh only snickering in response.

"Second time in a row," Cyno muttered, looking down at his cards. It's been a while since he lost a game. Alhaitham was a formidable opponent. "Quite respectable. But I'm much more accustomed to your play style now. Prepare for defeat!" The two set up a new game, Cyno taking his turn first. One question lingered on his mind though. "How come you wanted to play with me? It's obviously more than just a game you had in mind."

Alhaitham stayed silent for a moment, checking his dice before playing two support cards and skipping his attack phase, "You caught me. I just wanted to talk to you about... meeting Kaveh's mother. And a few other things. Human to human." Cyno slowly nodded in response. He'd have to go defensive this round. The other had his skills up and he was definitely preparing to use them. "I'm just worried... she won't like me. And if she doesn't, is Kaveh likely to leave me?" From the look on his face, Cyno was able to discern that Alhaitham felt vulnerable in this moment.

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