Side Story 1, Part 3: Thank You For Loving Me

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This was definitely not doing things the right way.

Cyno stared down at Tighnari who was squirming underneath him, caging in the fox by resting his weight on his palms, both on either side of the fennec's head. He didn't mean for it to get this far. He really didn't. He woke up in the middle of the night absolutely parched. As a respectful guest, Cyno decided to spend his night on the couch, so it wasn't hard to waddle over to the kitchen and grab a cup, filling it up with tap water and chugging it down. As soon as he went to wander back to the living room, his eyes locked on Tighnari who smiled tiredly at him. They seemed to have the same issue.

They exchanged a few words, a few sweet kisses, Tighnari nuzzled playfully into his neck and before he knew it, he found himself lifting the fennec into his arms as they stumbled into his bedroom. It was like all that work of trying to coax Tighnari into waiting just... melted away.

"Are you just gonna sit there and stare?" Tighnari snickered, his tail playfully tickling Cyno's ankle. He could stare all night if he really wanted to.

"Is it a crime for me to admire artwork?" Cyno said with a hum, "Admiring you is no different than admiring a painting." Cyno shifted so he was able to caress his cheek, chuckling as he said, "Every expression you make is so beautiful. You know, they say every picture has a story to tail." And just like that, Tighnari deadpanned.

"Did you... just tell me a pun in bed?"

"Did you not find that funny? I have more," Cyno's eyebrows furrowed. His mothers always found his jokes hilarious. They were hilarious. "But if it's furbidden in bed, I guess I'll have more va-luck-a in the morning."

Tighnari covered Cyno's mouth with his hand, glaring at him, "Stop. You're killing the mood." The human playfully licked Tighnari's hand, succeeding in getting him to move it. Now with an opening, he buried his face in the greenette's neck, licking a long stripe up the soft, supple skin, feeling the shudder running up his body.

"Am I... kit-lling the mood now?" Without waiting for a response, his lips make contact with Tighnari's neck, teeth grazing the skin as he sucked a sweet bruise into it. Cyno heard a breathless gasp, followed by the feeling of delicate fingers weaving in his silver locks, sharp nails gently poking at his scalp.

"Hey Cyno?" Tighnari's voice was barely a whisper, shaky and almost desperate. Cyno popped off of Tighnari's neck, a small string of saliva connecting to the deep purple bruise. Something about that mark got him going. He watched as Tighnari stared up at him with a flushed face, lips slowly parting as he said, "Is this your first time too?"

He's so fucking cute.

With a nod, Cyno gulped, "Yeah. You're my first. And my only." Tighnari looked relieved. Good. If the fennec was stressed about this, well, that would be a no go. He wasn't going to break any boundaries. Even if Tighnari wanted to stop right now, he would. "Do you uh.. fuck.. would you be more comfortable on top or bottom?" Was this supposed to be awkward? He felt awkward. And he assumed Tighnari did as well when he felt his tail stiffen.

"Um," Tighnari anxiously cleared his throat, averting his gaze, "I don't know... top or bottom?" Wait... did Tighnari not know what he was talking about?

Cyno gently rubbed his cheek, "For how long you've lived, I thought you'd know more than me. But that's okay. Can I take the lead then?" It took Tighnari a moment and a shaky breath before meekly nodding, Cyno repeating the motion. Gods, where did he start? Clothes. The fennec made it obvious that Cyno was taking way too long for his liking, his tail tickling him playfully behind before slipping between his legs, soft, plush fur rubbing against his clothed thigh. Cyno merely chuckled and said, "Patience, my love," causing Tighnari to whine loudly. Cute. Cyno's hands slipped under Tighnari's loose t-shirt, pulling it up and over his head. His body was just as cute as his pretty little face. The fox typically wore baggy clothing, so Cyno could never really get a proper grasp on Tighnari's body type or shape. This was worth the wait. He expected the fennec to be skinny, and he was! But he still managed to have just the perfect amount of adorable pudge on his body. And that perfect hourglass shape? Not to mention those pretty, pink, perky nipples just waiting for attention. And attention they would get. As he felt Tighnari's tail press against his crotch now, he leaned down, lips wrapping around the soft bud. As he sucked on it softly, he heard whimper come from above. What a lovely sound. His other hand took hold of the other, his thumb rubbing in gentle, circular motions. He felt the bud pebble under his touch while Tighnari squirmed under him, hands finding his way into Cyno's long gray hair, tugging gently at it.

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