Chapter 12: May The Best Fighter Win

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Cyno was definitely hiding something. And if Cyno was, then Tighnari was too. The only question left was what they were hiding. Tighnari was typically very honest with him. He would definitely hold back from time to time to spare Kaveh's feelings, but he wouldn't typically hide things from him. That leaves him with two possibilities. Possibility one: Tighnari and Cyno were planning some type of surprise or gift for him. Possibility two: They got into some kind of trouble, probably with Pactsworn. He'd bet money on the latter.

Now, that just left him with how to get the information out of him. If it had to do with Pactsworn, Cyno won't budge. But Tighnari, with enough coaxing, would. He couldn't come off too obvious. Tighnari would immediately catch on and begin to avoid him. The process would have to be between a few days. Maybe he could get it out by Monday? If he played his cards right, then definitely by Monday.

"What are you thinking about?"

Kaveh looked up with furrowed eyebrows, cheek pressed snuggly against a bare, warm chest, "How do you know I'm thinking?"

"How can I not with that look on your face," Alhaitham gripped Kaveh's chin with forefinger and thumb, making him look up at the other. Alhaitham's free hand trailed down to his bare ass, squeezing it roughy, "And I know your frustrated since you're so tight right now." Kaveh blushed, almost having forgot Alhaitham was still deeply nestled inside him.

He cleared his throat in embarrassment before saying, "Sorry."

"You're fine," Alhaitham mumbled before taking his hand off Kaveh's chin, letting it join his other hand on Kaveh's other cheek, "But you should take a little responsibility." Kaveh was moments from asking him what he meant before he felt Alhaitham thrust back up into him. He let out a squeak and then a whine, body shivering from oversensitivity.

"You brute! Didn't you just get off?" Kaveh gasped at the repeated action, unable to keep his head up as easily and pressing it into the crook of Alhaitham's neck.

"Yeah. But you seemed so eager clenching around me like that," Alhaitham chuckled. He moved his hands to squeeze Kaveh's waist, keeping him steady as he flipped the two over, now on top. "Now what are you so frustrated about?" Kaveh gasped as his only response, Alhaitham hitting that perfect spot inside him that made see stars. Unfortunately, Alhaitham didn't like that answer, stilling his hips, fully sheathed inside him as Kaveh trembled and flinched.

"Wh-why'd you stop?" Kaveh whined, attempting to grind his hips but to no avail with the hands on his waist holding his place.

"You didn't answer my question." Archons, he was playing this game?

Kaveh huffed, burying his face in Alhaitham's neck and hugging, "I think Tighnari is hiding something from me."

"What makes you think that?" At the question, Alhaitham began to gently fuck into him again, soothingly rubbing his back. It did feel nice to be comforted... but the fucking was even better, a small moan leaving his lips.

"When you've know someone for as long as I have- fuck," Kaveh muttered, grabbing onto Alhaitham's shoulders tightly to ground himself, "You pick up on certain cues."

"What do you think he's hiding?" Alhaitham's pace began to pick up again, his hands aiding his movements by lifting Kaveh up and down with each thrust.

"N-not sure," Kaveh gasped, back arching slightly as he pressed against the human under him. "Fuck- right there-" Alhaitham knew his body better than Kaveh knew his own, knowing every spot that would drive him mad, thrusting repeatedly into his sweet spot.

"Why don't you just ask him?" Alhaitham finally started to seem affected by their actions, voice becoming as shaky as his own and movements turning sloppy and rough. Was he close too?

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