"Kara? It's time to wake up," he whispered quietly, doing his best not to startle the man. 

When his demon didn't respond, Bin moved his hand down to softly brush his thumb against his pale nose. 

Come eat something soon, please, Inkani finally replied, proving Bin right. 


When he still got no response, he leaned closer and opened his mouth just enough to nip at the man's nose. He honestly wasn't expecting a response for the little bite, either, since the man seemed to be so deep asleep, so when he suddenly felt cold lips press against his own, Bin's eyes widened into saucers and he squeaked, startled!

He immediately tried to pull away out of instinct, but there was suddenly a hand behind his head, easily keeping him still until Karalius ended their kiss about a minute later. 

Bin immediately rolled onto his other side as soon as he was freed, trying to hide his blush. 

"Did master not wish to have his kiss returned?" Karalius asked with a hint of smugness to his words that had Bin's skin itching. 

You know that wasn't a kiss, you brat. 

Scowling at the wall, Bin forced himself to sit up then, finally, glare over his shoulder as Karalius sat up beside him. 


There was a problem. 

I don't remember biting you last night!

He evidently had, though. Twice. 

"W-we should get dressed," he eventually mumbled as he quickly scooted out of the bed. 

Why is his back healing so quickly but he couldn't heal two little sets of teeth marks?!

They both thankfully still had their pants on, so at least he knew that nothing else had happened last night. 

Why are you watching me instead of getting dressed? 

He could feel the man's eyes glued to his body as he tugged on a shirt that was a little too long... intentionally. It covered the important parts when he tugged his pants off, then quickly switched them out for new ones. 

"Master Binan?" 

Once he had his pants up and was fastening the belt, he turned to the side a bit so that he could look at Karalius. 


The man had moved to the edge of the bed closest to him and was sitting with his legs tucked beneath him, looking like an eager child. 

I sense a trap. 

Karalius smiled widely, one fang poking out from beneath his upper lip. 


"Master Binan, I will sleep with you from now on, okay?" 

Bin frowned, blinking, confused. 

"Didn't you say that you'd rather stand guard from outside?" he said, even though he wouldn't argue. He preferred Karalius to be inside. 

And why are you suddenly being calmer? 

"I will guard from the outside during the day, then guard from master's bed at night," the man said simply, making Bin even more suspicious. 

When the man just continued to stare, Bin pursed his lips and went to his closet to retrieve another set of clothing. It took him a minute to find something he thought would work well for his heir, but when he turned around, Bin nearly jumped out of skin. 

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