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After breaking The Joker out of Arkham Asylum, Harleen Quinzel had donned a half black and half red Jester costume, going by 'Harley Quinn'. Harley had managed to capture Batman in order to impress The Joker, however only angered him as no one pleases The Joker, other than himself. The two were arrested and sent to Arkham Asylum, where they were both seperated and forbidden to see each other.

The night of arrest, Harley, then without makeup, sat in her bed, wearing the orange Arkham uniform as she cried her eyes out, screaming and having a tantrum all night.

One day, as the patients/inmates were being marched down a corridor, being escorted to the canteen, a metal fence or iron bars had been placed in order to split the corridors in half. Harley was walking through the corridor, in front and behind her were other inmates, where on the other side, being escorted by guards, was The Joker, strapped tight to a gurney. "Puddin'!", Harley screamed as she went up against the bars with joy, however The Joker didn't interact, and was quickly wheeled away. "Mistah J!", she screamed as the guards escorted her, "come on, let's go!", the guards said as they ended up dragging her.

That was the last time she'd seen The Joker in person, and months later arrived her friend, Pamela Isley, Poison Ivy.

Waking into the Asylum, was Pamela Isley, wearing the orange jumpsuit, her red hair was messy, however still caught the eyes of many of the guards and inmates. "Keep your eyes to yourself", one of the guards told everyone, Ivy smirked, when a plant caught her eye, so she used her abilities to enlarge it to cause a fight, however was shot with a stun dart. From that day, all plants which weren't in the Botanical Gardens, had been removed from the Asylum, making Ivy powerless.

The next day, Ivy had entered the canteen, served with what only she could think of as 'Gruel', which was just disgusting. "Eww", she thought to herself as she sat miserably on her own. "Hey, aren't you that plant lady, 'Poison Ivy' as you're nicknamed?", She heard, turning to see Harley sitting across the table. "Harley Quinn, nice to meetcha!", Harley said as she sat closer to her, "are you actually poison, or is that just a cool nickname?", Harley asked her. Ivy knew who Harley was, but wasn't sure about her, however she couldn't get out alone, so why not try and make a friendship with The Joker's girlfriend.

"And from that day forward, we became bestieees!", Harley said, laying on the couch, as Ivy sat beside her on a chair. "You know...I hoped Mistah J would come and find me, or at least somehow try to contact me in there...", Harley told Ivy, throwning, as Ivy shook her head, "right.", she responded. "You ever been in love Pam?", Harley asked, changing the subject to on Ivy, "can't say I have", Ivy responded as Harley jumped up onto her knees, "seriously, you've never been in love, not once?!", Harley responded, "chill...what's the deal?!", Ivy questioned, "'s just...", Harley answered. "Wait, so you've never looked at a guy and thought, 'damm I would'", Harley asked her, as Ivy responded, "if I did, I would have already", smirking, referring to her powers to mind control and seduce lpeople. "I did meet Bruce Wayne once though, he was...charming", Ivy told Harley, "oh,  Wayne...he's handsome...probably a douche in real life though, all that money...", Harley explained, "yeah, probably", Ivy responded. However, as Harley and Ivy talked, they saw on the news, the report of the apartment building on fire, "oh shit...damm", Harley commented.

The smell of alcohol and smoke filled the air as two young men in their early twenties, walked through the abandoned Amusement Mile. A bottle of whiskey was dropped to the floor, with a piercing smash landing everywhere. "Damn, that shit was crazy cuz" one of them said. "I know man but listen fuck these bitches" the other says as he pulls up a newspaper showing the Arkham Breakout, which featured the breakout of Harley, Ivy, Sionis and The Joker. "We get ahead of them soon enough cu-" the man was interrupted with the sound of metal hitting the concrete floor with footsteps following. The two men, their bodies overloaded with alcohol, looked to their left to see a clown in a mechanic's overalls walking over to them. "The fuck is this shit" one of them said, but with their vision becoming clear, they soon turned to fear, turning back from their earlier words as they realised the clown to be The Joker, stained with blood, holding a crowbar. A smile began to spread across The Joker's face as he uttered three words, "heads up boys" Joker then raised the crowbar and slammed it across one of the men's jaw, a loud crack filling the Mile. The newspaper fell to the floor along with the man. The Joker, with his smile growing wider, repeatedly hit the man in the ribs causing him to bellow in the worst pain he has ever felt though his screams were quieter due to a fractured jaw they were unsettling and disturbing. His screams were cut short as the Joker smashed out his teeth and began to cave the man's skull in until a part of his head crumbled and slid away from his body. His friend watched the whole thing, frozen in complete horror, surely as sober as any man now. With the man now dead, The Joker turned his head slowly toward his friend, a smile wider than any person would believe to be possible. The friend, unable to move, let out a tear, knowing his fate. The Joker in a swift motion, swung the crowbar straight into the man's knee causing him to fall in agony. The Joker wasted no time and spread the man's brains across the floor, oosing like a dropped paint can. Maniacal laughter filled the air as the man's face was crushed beyond recognition under the weight of the crowbar. The Joker then stopped and slowly rose to stand straight, his face splattered with blood and the crowbar dripping. "Homeeee run" The Joker roared as he laughed hard enough to crack a rib. His laughter was cut short as his attention was diverted to the newspaper, now painted red, lying in the mush of brains. He picked it up, The headline read out, 'The New Dynamic Duo!', as below mugshots were shown of Harley and Ivy, with below it an article on the Arkham breakout, as well as an image from the CCTV of Harley and Ivy robbing a store. "Hmmmm" The Joker uttered with the sound of interest and anger. "Pathetic...", The Joker commented.

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