"Humans are stronger than you give them credit for."

Although I couldn't see who the speaker was, there was no mistaking the voice of Director Fury.

"And yet you kneel before me."

This was a new voice. The voice was female and it gave me shivers. The voice spoke volumes about malice. The voice also sounded familiar, as though I had heard the person before. However, I couldn't quite recall it off the top of my head.

"The last time someone tried to take over this world, he ended up losing quite badly." This was Fury again.

I caught a glimpse of Fury standing next to an overturned table in the vision but before I could see who the other speaker was, I was dragged out of the vision.

"Agent Seventeen?"

I blinked. Director Fury sat directly across from me.

"Director?" I said, feeling slightly uncomfortable at having just missed whatever he said.

"I asked if you have decided your mode of transport yet."

"I'll probably take a Quinjet, sir." I replied.

He shook his head. "Take a commercial flight. We don't want to scare the doctor, do we?"

"Yes sir." I knew better than to argue.

"It'll be slower but we have some time." He said.

I nodded in response, not knowing what to say. I had been caught zoning out when speaking to the director, showing great unprofessionalism.

Fury sighed deeply. "Did you sleep well, agent?"

I was shocked. Director Nick Fury asking after an agent's well being? Never had I seen it before.

Before I could reply, he continued. "You zoned out of there just now. That's unprofessional, even if we don't speak of the disastrous consequences if this were in a battle zone."

"I apologize, sir. This will not happen again." I said clearly, knowing mumbling would only invoke his wrath. Nonetheless, my face flared red with uncomfort and embarrassment.

He nodded, accepting my apology. "Make sure it does not happen again. Any other orders will be sent to you via holo-file. Dismissed."

I gave a brief nod and turned to leave. However, I turned my head and blurted out "Sir? How long did I zone out for?"

In my head, I estimated I was seeing and hearing the vision for about a good half a minute, although I heard a lot more than I saw. Half of the time, the vision had been blurry and unclear.

The director frowned. "For about three seconds, why?"

Three seconds? It was obvious that the unknown conversation itself had been much longer than that.

"To reprimand myself, sir." I fabricated an excuse as fast as I could. It was not the best explanation ever, but I wasn't about to tell him that I was hallucinating.

He eyed me speculatively and said "It happens to everyone sometimes. Don't be too harsh on yourself. But don't let it happen again."

I muttered a "Yes, sir." and let myself out of his office. As I closed his door behind me, I recalled the vision and my heart clenched. Whatever that was, it meant bad news.

Pressing my earpiece, it connected straight away to Ellowyn.

"Agent Seventeen?" She responded immediately.

"Get someone to get me a flight ticket to Wisconsin. Commercial flight only. Preferably one that leaves in the next three hours." I ordered.

"Commercial flight? Not the Quinjet?" Her voice was confused, although I knew she would be signaling someone to get my orders done right away.

Love in Emerald Eyes have Shadows | Marvel Avengers |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora