Chapter 3

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Manhattan, NYC

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Manhattan, NYC

A street corner next to a hot dog stand

Hope felt like a small ant next to all the tall skyscrapers and busy bodies swarming around.  She pulled her black trench coat close to her body as she tried to make herself small so that she wouldn't get run over by all the people. She tried to keep her eyes train on Belle and Alistair's backs as they lead the two girls through the city. Almos had gotten a call right before they left for the city and said he had to go take care of an emergency. Hope was trying not to worry about him.

She was gnawing on her bottom lip as she reached her right hand out to grab Belle's left hand because she almost lost her in the sea of people. Belle squeezed her hand to reassure her. It was late April making the Sun shine but the air still crispy so Hopes nose and cheeks were red. Her hair was left down in her natural curls and she was wearing a navy blue dress with white flats. Belle and Alistair said that the girls had to go to a museum and learn while they were on their break much to the annoyance of Nina.

Really Hope thinks that they just had to meet some people at the museum and were trying to play it off as wanting the girls to learn on their trip but jokes on them because Hope was excited. They were going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or otherwise known as the MET which has an amazing collection of Ancient Greek art. She couldn't wait to see all of the Greek art of the Gods and Goddesses she has been studying for the past few months.

Hope glanced to her left to see Nina walking next to her holding Alistair's hand. When Hope looked back to the front she saw the museum coming into view. With an excited smile she grabbed Nina's hand who squeezed her it. She knows how excited Hope is to be going to the museum to see all the Greek art.

"Okay, when we get in Alistair and I have to speak with the Director so we'll let you girls explore by yourselves for an hour and then we can meet back in the front and explore the rest together, sound good?" Belle told the girls as they started to climb the stairs towards the museum.

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