Chapter 1

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Mystic Falls, VA

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Mystic Falls, VA

Salavtore School

two years later

    Hope stared at her notebook as she doodled on it

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    Hope stared at her notebook as she doodled on it. She was drawing a trident from the Greek myths to keep her mind occupied while she was in Chemistry of Magic class. Between Almos, her aunt Freya and Nina there was really no need for her to go to school but it helped with appearances. She already was exceptionally skilled in magic and knew everything they could ever think about teaching them in this school. She continued detailing her sketch, letting the teacher become white noise while she concentrated.

She's been having these dreams a lot recently about Greek Mythology that have been waking her up in cold sweat. Of all the things she could be dreaming about, she didn't really understand why the Greek Gods were in her dreams. Maybe it's because they were so completely unrelated to any of her day to day life that when her history class taught about them, her subconscious leached on to the idea to help her escape in her dreams. If only her subconscious knew that it was gonna backfire on itself and instead of giving her an escape fantasy it just gave her another headache.

Her dreams were filled with the Gods fighting the titans, Fighting each other, a camp of modern Demi gods training, monsters and a boy with sea green eyes. They are always jumbled up so she could never make sense of any of them. She spends most of her free time in the library researching all she could about the Greek Gods and it's starting to become a little obsessive. She was lucky to have Nina with her at school to keep her from going down a rabbit hole.

Nina was right on their meeting when she said they were going to be best friends, though Nina is right all the time. Guess it's hard not to be when you are a seer. Apparently Nina had many visions about Hope and her life and convinced her family to send her to the Salavtore school so that she could be near her even though it is very far from her home. Nina is from Long Island, NY. Her family is very wealthy and powerful. She even mentioned that she had a Bennett in her family at one point very back in her lineage.

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