Guapduo-Who are you?

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Pepito looked at Cellbit with his big eyes, the little one seemed thoughtful, he was much quieter than usual, and this was worrying the blonde. Cellbit placed Pepito on his bed and Richas entered the room soon after and began to get comfortable in his bed. Cellbit sat down at Pepito's bed and stared at the little one.

— Pepito? Are you okay, pequeno? You're a little quiet today — he said, stroking the youngest boy's hair.

— Apa Roier es un poco diferente — he wasn't expecting that

—What are you trying to say, Pepito?

— No se parece a él, estaba muy triste los otros días

— real, Pepito, he seems strange — Richas agreed — he is acting a little strange

— I'll talk to him boys — he said sighing

— ¡Benas noches, apa Celbi! — Pepito said with the sweetest voice

He placed Pepito in bed, stroked his hair, covered Richas and placed him in bed, turned the bedside light on and turned off the lights, leaving the boys' room.

"No se parece a él", that phrase stayed in Cellbit's head. Roier was acting strange, but he first thought that he changed after all this time passed, that he wasn't around, he seemed okay without him. But according to Pepito's words Roier was odd, apparently he was really sad.
Cellbit was getting a little worried, he knew that for a period Roier had been missing, maybe the federation kidnapped him? Maybe they did something to him?
He was feeling kind of guilty that he didn't realize that his husband was weird, not calling him by the pet name he gave him or even for avoiding eye contact and also physical touch, he thought that he was just angry at him, feeling down and not wanting to express it.
He found his husband in their bathroom. He was deeply looking at himself in the mirror, intensely. Now that Pepito had pointed out, he really did not seem like himself. Something was clearly wrong, it looked like he wasn't recognizing himself.

Roier looked at him in the mirror and turned his head at him.

— Hi, Cellbo — he said, forming a smile in his mouth, everytime he didn't call him by his nickname it hurt. He was still avoiding eye contact.

— Hey, ready to go to bed? — Cellbit smiled a little bit, he wasn't to confront his husband about everything yet

He held his husband's hand, which made him blush, and it was weird, because Roier was used to making physical touch with Cellbit . He leads them to their bed. They laid in bed and started to get comfy. Cellbit now could have a good look at Roier's eyes, they were different, their brown eyes were now darker than usual, and didn't have the same shine as before.

— Boa noite, guapito — Cellbit said smiling

— Buenas Noches, Cellbit — again, he did not say it again.

Something was wrong.

His husband then closed his eyes to finally sleep, a different thing that Cellbit realized was that he stopped having that many nightmares as before, this nightmares started with Bobby's death and got stronger after Richarlyson went missing. At first Cellbit couldn't be bothered, he thought his husband was just getting better, but now, after what Pepito said, left him intrigued.
At that moment Cellbit just wanted to sleep, he wasn't used to it but with the heat of his husband next to him he could relax for a bit.


Cellbit woke up in panic, he had a nightmare, again. He looked for his husband next to him, but he wasn't there. That was weird. He tried hard not to panic again due to Roier's absence. He got out of bed and went to look after him. He wasn't at his kids room, but Pepito was awake. The blonde got near his bed and the little one soon realized his presence.

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