Hideduo-You can't keep secrets forever..

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It was an early morning on the island and the Brazilians plus Jaiden and Roier were hanging out. They were having normal conversations like the federation, plans for the day, ideas, theory's, and just the normal joking around. "THATS SO WRONG CELLBIT!!" Forever yelped at a home Cellbit just made directed towards him. The rest of the the group was laughing except for Pac who seemed to be deep in thought. Mike seemed to notice this as he stopped laughing quickly with a concerned look on his face. "Pac, you okay?" He asked. With that PAC snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Mike blankly for a couple of seconds trying to process what he said. After he realized what had been said he quickly responded I'm a rushed voice, "Yeah... ummm every thing is fine... just got ummmm lost in thought... I guess." The group looked at Pac concerned as that was unlike him to do. They sat in an awkward silence for a while until it was finally broken by Cellbit stating the thing that was going through everyone's mind, "you've been acting weird Pac what's up? You are always home late, deep in thought, you ignore us sometimes, you are almost always looking at your communicator when we find you. What's been distracting you so much? It's been like 3 months maybe more that this has been happening. Pac looked down ashamed. What should he say, 'I've been lying to your face and have a secret boyfriend that I've been spending a lot of time with cause I fear your reactions.' The truth seemed so stupid and unbelievable. So he just sat there in silence avoiding eye contact. "Fine then be like that." Cellbit said in an annoyed voice and stormed off. Roier quickly following after him then the rest of the group including Mike.

Pac was left alone with his thoughts. Tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He didn't like hiding things from the people he liked to think of as his family, but what if they hated him more or thought of him differently if they knew. It was a lose,lose situation right? He was deep in thought making him fall more and more into depressive thoughts. He let the tears flow down his cheeks shaking a bit at the betrayal. He would never leave them if they were in his shoes. I mean he wasn't lying he just wasn't ready to face the consequences of his actions. "WHY SHOULD THERE BE CONSEQUENCES FOR LOVING SOMEONE!" He screamed out. His thoughts getting the best of him. He couldn't hold in the pain anymore.

After about 30 minutes of Pac sitting alone trapped in his thoughts of the fear of his friends hating him he felt his hands being taken in by someone else's. He looked up to see his boyfriend kneeling in front of him with a concerned look on his face, "Pac,love are you okay?" He spoke. Pac just shook his head no and threw himself into Fits arms. "They are mad at me, bu-but I'm to scared to tell them yet." Pac said choking on his tears. Fit held Pac close now sitting on the ground, Pac in his lap head buried into his neck crying. Fit stood there comforting his boyfriend for awhile. "I'm sorry Pac, I know this is hard for you. Where's Mike mayb-" Fit was cut off by Pac saying, "he left with them." Fit felt rage rise within him. 'Pac didn't deserve that. He did nothing wrong. It's okay when anyone else hides secrets just not Pac? That's so stupid!' He thought to himself.

Fit gave Pac a gentle kiss on the head and wiped his tears as they fell down his face. He may be angry but he was not gonna leave Pac in his time of need. After Pac calmed down a bit and his tears were dry Fit decided to take him to his place.

It took them about 10 minute walk to get back to Fit's. Which was good cause he got to fill in Fit on exactly what happened. Once they did Fit led Pac to his room. Once they were there he picked Pac up bridal style and placed him on the bed. Pac snuggled up in the sheets and not even three seconds later the room was filled with the sound of light snores. 'Must have been exhausted from all the crying and fighting' two thing Fit knew very well that Pac did not like.

He left Pac to rest and headed straight to the Brazilians area. Once he arrived he immediately say the group Pac was hanging out with earlier in the day. "Don't you think y'all were a little harsh on Pac. I mean he still hasn't come back. That's not like him. You must have really hurt his feelings." Roier said as Fit approached. Fit was angry and his body posture and face did NOT hide it. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YA'LL!!!" He yelled pissed of at there behavior from earlier. Roier jump as the scream came right behind him and he didn't know Fit was there until then. All of there faces dropped and looked at Fit in shock. They had never seen him this angry before. Forever looked like he was about to say something but Fit did not want to hear it. He continued to yell at them about how much they hurt Pac and how they were jerks and Pac would have never done that to them. Cellbit finally had enough and yelled back, "you don't even know what happened!" That seemed to make for madder. Fit up until this point was not going to mention the fact that he found Pac crying. "Yeah I do, he told me everything and even if he didn't need to since I found him sobbing to the point where it took me 30 minutes to get clear sentences out of him!" He fired back. That seemed to break anyone's points or defenses they might have had. That made Fir very satisfied. "We- we did?" Mike weakly asked hurt to know he caused his best friend that much pain. And with that Pac came running out of the surrounding forest. "Fit! It told you it was fine." Pac tried to reason, "I'm sorry." he apologized to the rest of the group. Fit looked at Pac as he approached closer. "No it's not fine." Fit stated. The rest of the group just stared. They didn't know what to say knowing what they did. Mike filled with guilt walked over and hugged Pac apologizing and saying that they were just worried and let that get ahead of them. Pac returned the hug and gave a simple, "it's okay". Mike and Pac stayed like that for a while. Once they broke the hug Mike looked at Pac and noticed his extremely red eyes and tear stained cheeks.

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