Hideduo-All for you

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Fit was not one to do spontaneous things. He was almost always had a plan. And a backup plan. And a backup plan for his backup plan. However, today he had other plans.

Meu amor<3 (pac)

Fit: Get ready! I'm taking you out somewhere tonight. I'll be there in an hour <3 eu te amo! (I love you)

Pac: Huh?
Wait an hour?
How should I dress?
What are we doing?
Did I forget about this?
Oh, eu também te amo <3 (I love you too)

Fit: hehehe, not questions. Wear something cute but moveable in. Nothing fancy.

Pac: okay I gotta get ready!

Fit laughed at the cuteness of his boyfriend as he put down his phone. He was wearing a black button up with some black jeans. He was never the "fancy" "accessorizing type".

About an hour passed and Fit was at Pacs door. He knocked gently on the door. The door swung open after about a minute of waiting. Mike stood in the door frame, he looked exhausted in Fits opinion. "Hey Mike, how are you?" Mike smiled and invited Fit in. "PAC! FIT IS HERE!" He yelled in the detection of Pac's room. There was a faint okay that rung in that direction. "Hey, Fit. I'm doing okay. I'm a bit tired me and Pac have been working all day and when we got back we got stuck with Richas for two hours. It's been a long day." Fit laughed. "Sounds rough buddy." The two continued to chat and wait for Pac.

Eventually Pac emerged from his room. He was wearing pair of Black shorts that showed off his prosthetic. This shocked Fit as Pac was usually embarrassed to show it or had the fear of making Cellbit feel bad. He had his normal hoodie tied around his waist. He never went anywhere without it. He had a black sleeveless turtleneck on as well. He had a couple of accessories like 2 necklaces and a bracelet he always wore. Mike had a matching one it resembled their friendship. They were both attached to it. Pac also wore a blue and gold flower crown on top of his fluffy black and blue hair. "I'm ready! Sorry I took so long I didn't know what to wear. I hope this is good. I did-" Pac was rambling but was cut off by Fit saying, "Pac, it's fine, you look perfect." Pac blushed quite a bit by this statement.

"Alright, have fun you two, bring him back before midnight!" Mike called out as the two were leaving. Of course he was joking about the midnight part. They were grown ass men. The didn't have a curfew. Also Pac usually slept over at Fits after date nights.

They were walking for a while making small talk, Pac guessing where they are going here and there. "Where are we,Fit?Are we almost there?" Pac said super confused. Fit just laughed off the questions saying, "almost there." As they got closer they heard the soft strumming of guitar and background music that sounded familiar. As they emerged from the bushes they saw Wilbur on stage with colorful lights, huge speakers, and a microphone. Pacs eyes lit up immediately and flashed to Fit. "Surprise! I talked to Wil since I know you like his music so much and he said he'd hold a private concert for us." Pac started jumping up and down in excitement. He threw himself in to Fits arms a screamed, "thank you! thank you! thank you! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You're the best boyfriend ever!" Fit smiled knowing how happy he made his boyfriend. He found it irresistibly cute how Pac reacted. His tittle jumps and happy dance of excitement made his heart hurt of to much love for a single individual.

They walked in front of the stage and sat down. "Ah! Your here! Welcome, welcome. How are we tonight?" Wilbur greeted noticing the arrival of Fit and Pac. "Hey Wilbur! We're doing good man,how are you?" Fit greeted. Pac was clung to Fits side as the two English speakers conversed. "Pac your one lucky guy. I've never seen Fit this soft, let alone anyone do anything this sweet for their partner. I'm glad to be part of it. Now without further ado let's get on with the show." Wilbur complimented before playing some of Pac's favorite songs.

Pac smile was so wide. He was singing along softly to the songs. His voice was like that of an angle to Fit. Fit knew a couple of songs by Wilbur's but he wasn't a huge fan like Pac was. He always found it funny how Pac was trapped on an island with one of his favorite musicians. Fit just sat admiring Pac happily.

About two-thirds the way through the show Pac got up and asked Fit to dance. His face was red as well as the tips of his ears as he held out his hand looking away. Fit took it and they danced together. Nothing really romantic as Wil's songs are more up beat but it was still special to them cause it was them together. Fit thought about how adorable it was when Pac's hair swished around when he twirled.

Once the mini concert was over Wilbur began to pack up and Fit and Pac thanked them for doing this. Fit then took Pacs hand and led him to the place where they had their "first date" or when Richas tried to set them up. "What are we doing here?" Pac asked. Fit was rummaging through his inventory. "You'll see, one second." Fit's face lit up and pulled a bouquet of roses from his inventory and gave them to Pac. "Here for you." Pac smiled taking the bouquet of roses. "Thanks, amor." Fit smiled and they sat down at the table they had the first time. Richas - who was in on the whole thing - served them.

They ate and chatted. They were there for hours. It is as like 2:30 am. Richas had h been picked up by Cellbit long ago. "Oh, look at the time. We should start heading home, right?" Pac commented. Fit nodded and they went back to his place.

When they went through the door Ramón was bundled up on the couch sleeping with a stuffy and had a movie playing in the background. Fit turned off the TV and was gonna pick up Ramón when he saw Pac gently pick him up and carry him to his room. He followed suit. Pac gently placed Ramón in the middle of the bed and put the blanket on him. They then both got into more comfortable clothes and cuddled up with each other and Ramón. They gave each other a gentle kiss on the lips and fell asleep.

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