4halo-Family bonding

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Credits: GiantNacho

It was a bright morning in Bad's house. Forever was in the kitchen brewing coffee for him and Bad. He was also making breakfast and hot chocolate for the kids. It was a morning routine he was use to at this point. Bad came into the kitchen he. he was wearing Forevers hoodie and some charcoal grey jeans. He had shrank to a size that made the hoodie a bit baggy and it was more comfortable that way. Bad walked over to Forever and asked, "you need help with anything,hun?" Forever smiled and kissed bad on the cheek. "No, not that I can think of,dear?" Bad was content with the answer and went to sit down at the island and just watched and started conversation with Forever. Once Forever finished cooking he plated everyone's food. He set it where everyone sits and then grabbed the drinks and placed those down as well. He then sat next to Bad. It was then he realized the kids weren't down yet. He yelled towards their rooms, "Foods ready!" Bad just laughed and started to eat Forever placed a kiss on Bad's four head began to eat as well. They then heard a synchronized 'Ewwwww' from the kids. The adults laughed as they look at the kids crawling onto their chair to sit down. Richas was wearing a mooshroom onesie and Dapper was wearing a cow onesie. The Both of them began to eat after they got up.

Once they finished Breakfast Bad cleaned the dishes with Forever as the kids ran off to play.

Hours past by and they had just eaten lunch. Bad and Forever had both noticed a change in the kids personality since the wedding. They were having a hard time adjusting especially Dapper. I mean can you blame the kid his whole life he had been an only child with a single dad and now he had a dad and a sibling. It was all so new to him. Richas was a little better as he had been through it before when his other dad, Cellbit got married to Roier. Bobby became his brother and he got a new dad to his collection. Still the parents felt bad. They knew they would need time to adjust but they wanted to do something special.

"Who wants to get ice cream?" Bad asked excitedly to the kids already knowing the response. 'Me! Me!' The kids screamed bright smiles on their faces. So they set off to go to the ice cream store. Eventually, they made it to the shop and ordered the ice cream. Once they got the ice cream they walked to the park to eat the ice cream and let the kids play. Bad and Forever sat on a bench as the kids sat under a tree in the grass. It was late summer so it was pretty hot.

After finishing the ice cream Bad and Forever watched the kids play tag and push each other around. That found it adorable how well they were getting along. Eventually after playing around for a while the kids were looking at the sky laughing and pointing at cloud in the sky. Bad and Forever eventually got the idea to play with the kids. They ran up to the kids and tickled them. The kids were laughing and screaming. Eventually Dapper got out of Bad's grasp and grabbed Richas hand and started running away both parents running after them. The air was filled with joy and laughter of a happy and complete family.

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