Tnt duo-Spooky weddings

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Credits: GiantNacho

Wilbur was pacing back and forth reading over the lines he was given for the wedding he was about to have. It was arranged. The girl he was to be wed to was in love with him however he didn't like her back, but he wasn't gonna be rude so there he stood at midnight before the wedding pacing.

Suddenly a branch fell and knocked Wilbur out. When he woke up he was in the forest still but it looked different. He walked to the direction his wedding was supposed to be. When he emerged from the forest however he was shocked to see ghosts floating and skeletons walking around. It was like an undead city. "Aghhh! I can't believe this! All I wanted to do was be married and now I'm here, dead." He heard a boy scream. The boy had beautiful golden wing, long black hair tucked into a beanie, and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. The boy had a blue tint to him and had parts of his body's skeleton sticking out. He turned to look at Wilbur who was staring at him. "Umm,hello buddy,you got a staring problem?" The boy asked starkly. His features however softened and then got excited. "You look cute! I shall marry you instead." He said pointing at Wilbur. "I'm sorry, WHAT!" Wilbur replied stunned by the bold statement the undead boy made. "I'm Quackity, what's your name future Husband?"

Wilbur threw up his hand in defense, "Wilbur, and I'm not your future husband, weirdo. I don't even know you. Plus I'm engag-" he interrupted by Quackity putting a finger to his mouth and saying, "doesn't matter,Hubby. Come on let's go." Quackity then picked up Wilbur with surprising ease and flew him to the alter.

"Alright, Marriage time, Wilbur was it?" Quackity said contently. An officiant was there and there was a crowd of people in formal wear watching. The officiant did his normal officiant stuff when it came to the "I do's" Quackity obviously said "I do". The officiant started, "Wilbur soot, do you take Quackity to be your husband forever in the afterlife. If you say I do you will be stuck here forever." Quackity interrupted befor Wilbur before he could answer "of course he dose!" The officiant was satisfied and said. "Well without further ado you may now kiss the groom!" Quackity steped forward and kissed Wilbur gently. Against Wilbur's better judgment he kissed back. The kiss was magical. Wilbur didn't deny that Quackity was beautiful. He also didn't deny that he wouldn't mind kissing him forever. He was a good kisser. He wouldn't mind being his husband if it were a different situation.

They went to Quackitys place. It was cute. They decided to get to know each other since god knows how long Wilbur was stuck there. Hell the officiant said 'forever'. However, Wilbur had his doubts about this assumption.

Over about a month of Wilbur being trapped he really did like Quackity, he might even say he loves him. I mean he was an amazing person. It was really a good life. Wilbur was happy which was much less than he could say about when he was in the realm of the living. Quackity made grate company and he had made really good friends.

Still he knew he couldn't stay. He was supposed to be married to someone else, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it while it lasted. Plus he'd die eventually and reconnect with everyone, right? He was human he wasn't supposed to even be here.

Wilbur was brought out of his thoughts by Quackity busting through the door. "Wilbur I have good news for you!" He jumped into Wilbur's arms. That was a normal occurrence by now now. Wilbur gave Quackity a peck on his head. This was also normal. After about three weeks of knowing each other or being married they decided to take things slow and start dating. It was good. This was just their normal greeting. They were like soulmates. Holding hands in public, gentle kisses on the lips, hugs, cuddles, sleeping in the same bed, and occasionally a deep kiss. That was a rare occurrence though.

"Anyway, Wil, I have the most amazing news for you!" Quackitys voice sounded sad but like it was trying to be covered up by happiness. "I found a loop hole to get you home!" Quackity was smiling but Wilbur could read him like a book by now and tell he was sad. "Oh, umm that's great Q." Wilbur replied voice filled with sorrow. He didn't wanna leave yet. "Why aren't you happy? I thought you were anted this." Quackity asked confused. "Q I love it here... and... I love you.." he finished. Q blushed. "You wanna stay... you love me..." Quackity repeated. "I love you too!" Quackity jumped into Wilbur's arms again and kissed him on the lips. Wilbur kissed back immediately. They feel on the floor due to a loss of balance. They didn't care though.

"Wait , so how do I stay, Q?" Wilbur asked not wanting to waste another minute knowing he might have to go home. "You never said 'I do' at our wedding. You need to go to the afterlife court and tell them we are married and sign the papers." Quackity explained. Wilbur nodded and went off to the office.

When he got there he was greeted by an office lady who was very pleasant. She got him back almost immediately knowing his urgency. He talked to the marriage lawyer and the person with their papers for about two hours before he signed the paper. They wanted to make sure Wilbur knew what he was getting himself into. It was late at night when Wilbur got out. He was officially stuck. He was officially married to a ghost. He was officially undead.

He walked into the house that him and Quackity shared. He heard light snores from their room. He walked in quietly and got into his pajamas. He softly got into bed trying not to wake up Quackity. However, to no avail as he was woken as soon as Wilbur got into bed. "You're back!" He whisper yelled sleepily. Wilbur nodded and pulled Quackity closer. "We are married and I'm staying. You and me are gonna be together for the rest of the afterlife."Quackity smiled at this comment. He cuddled into Wilbur's chest and let sleep overtake him again. Wilbur messed with Quackitys hair for a bit before following in suit.

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