4-halo-The wedding(part 2)

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The day had finally come. It was 4halo's wedding day. They couple was so excited. They were finally going to be married. It was a few hours away from the wedding and everyone was getting ready.

In Bad's dressing room he was already ready. He was so worried that he overdid, or that he was gonna get there late. Just wedding gitters. Dapper was sitting on a bench in the room watching his dad pace back and forth. "Papa? Are you okay?"

Dapper said in a confused voice worried about his dad. He never really say his dad like that before. The wedding was starting in about 3 hours. So, the reception started showing up. They knocked on the door and it was answered by a very frantic looking Bad and a very confused and concerned Dapper.

"Whoa you look like a mess Bad." Foolish commented. That did not help Bad feel better. "What if I'm making a mistake? What if be changes his mind? What if I'm a Bad husband? What if Richas doesn't want another dad? What if I mess up on my line? What if-" Bad was cut off by Dapper hugging his leg. "I think you're worrying a bit to much, mate. It's gonna be fine. He wouldn't have asked you to marry him if he didn't love you he wouldn't have asked to marry you, and you didn't hesitate to say yes, right? Also Richas loves you. You babysit him all the time and he always has gotten along with dapper, and if you mess up your lines that's something to laugh about later . It will make your wedding special. You have nothing to worry about. This is you and Forevers day no one else's. Alright mate?" Philza said as an attempt to calm him down. Which seemed to prove successful as Bad took a deep breath and smiled. He then nodded and let the others get ready. Once all of them were ready. They left as to go to there places.

Meanwhile with Forever, he was ranting to the other Brazilians about his fears, "What if I asked to quick? What if he don't actually want to marry me but he didn't want me to feel bad? What if he says I don't? What if Dapper hates me? What if-"
He looked like he was gonna explode. So many questions running through his mind. The what ifs that haunt him. The fear of being left at the altar. "You need to calm down Forever. I had the same thoughts when marrying Roier and look how that turned out. You're gonna be okay. apenas respire fundo." (Take a deep breath) Cellbit said as comfort. Forever took Cellbits advice taking a deep breath in and out. He did this a couple times then smiled. "You are right Cellbit. I love him and he loves me that's all that matters in the end, right?" The others nodded in agreement. Pac then noticed the time, "besteira! o casamento começa em 15 minutos!"(Crap! The wedding starts in 15 minutes) The group scrambled out and went to there places Forever waiting at the altar for his hopefully future husband.

After what felt like an eternity to Forever the music queued and the soft melodies filled the air. Forever tentatively looked at the door waiting for his beloved to waltz down the aisle. Finally the person wedding the two asked for everyone to stand. Bad appeared at the entrance and all the fears the couples once had vanished as they made eye contact. Forever could feel his face heat as he saw Bad get closer and closer to the alter.

Bad on the other was a mixture of nervous, exited, and emotional. He was focused on forever mostly but he did occasionally look at Dapper and Richas who were the flower boys to make sure they were okay and getting along as they had got in a little fight over who was on which side of the aisle. They seemed to be content though. Maybe a playful shove here and there but what's a wedding without a little drama and he'd much rather it be this than what happened and Cellbit and Roier's Wedding.

Once he made it to the altar he walked up the three steps and finally was holding hands with Forever about to be wed to sua cabeça de muffin (his muffin head). Joy filled both of their souls exited for this new chapter in their life.

The marriage officiant started the normal wedding things we all know. The welcoming, thanking and announcing. The boring stuff. Eventually it came time for the vows. The officiant started, "Forever you may now say your vows." The congregation looked toward Forever.
Forever was a bit nervous of messing up.
He wanted it to be perfect. He wanted Bad to know how much he means to him. "Bad I love you so much, you are the best person in my life and make me so happy. You never gave up with me even in my worst states you stayed by my side. You make my day. I always am excited when I wake up knowing I get to see you. Your are amazing with Richas and my friends. Two things that are very important to me. You always take care of Richas when no one else can. You always step up and take charge when others need you. God I could go on and on but for the sake of time I guess what I'm trying to say is eu amo você e Dapper mais do que você imagina e mal posso esperar para passar o resto da minha vida com vocês." (I love you and Dapper more than you know and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with y'all) Forever rapped up. Bad smiled so brightly at Forever tears of joy filling his eyes. All the couple wanted to do was run off married and have a moment alone to just be in each others presence. The officiant gave them a moment before continuing, "Badboyhalo you may now say your vows." Bad looked at the officiant then at Forever. He had cards in his pocket that he was originally gonna read of to make sure he didn't miss a thing or mess up, but at that moment he realized he needed it to come from the heart and needed to wing it. "Forever, I love you so much. You have always been a joy to have around and always make me laugh. Even though you can be a huge muffin head at times." The everyone laughed a little. " but despite you have always been loyal and you get along with Dapper, which is the most important thing to me. I love you with all my heart. If I told past me this when you arrived on the island I would have called me crazy saying all I need was Dapper, but now I know thanks to you there's room in my heart for two special people." He finished. Forever was crying it may have been shorter than his but his still had all the more meaning to it. The officiant then rapping up the wedding asked for any objections, and after a moment of silence continued. "Do you forever take Badboyhalo to be your husband?" Forever didn't take his eyes off Bad smiled and said, "I do." The officiant looked at Bad and asked, "do you Badboyhalo take Forever to be your husband." Bad looked at Dapper who was nodding yes then at Forever and said , "I do." The official then ended the wedding by saying, "you may now kiss the groom!" Forever pulled Bad close dipped him a little and gave him a long passionate kiss on the lips. I mean it was their first kiss as a married couple he had to make it good right. Of corse they heard a couple of 'Ewww's from the kids but once they pulled apart every one cheered and Dapper and Richas ran up to his dad or I guess dads and gave them a huge hug. They were finally an official family.

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