The Power Of Amazo

Start from the beginning

Megan flies towards him with a smile. 'How are you?' 'Good,' greets Y/N. 'How are things around here?' She lands on the ground. 'A bit boring. Superboy went out to help with an accident on the Metropolis Bridge. So I have been pretty much alone.' Megan shifts nervously. 'Do you want to do something?' Y/N stretches his head to the side. 'Sure, what did you have in mind?' Megan smiles brightly. Just as she is about to voice her idea, the Zeta Tube flares to life.

"Recognize B02, Aqualad." In a flash of light, Kaldur enters the cavern. "Kaldur!" beams Megan. "What are you doing here?"

Kaldur smiles at Megan. "I was hoping to hang out with my friends." He walks over to Y/N, offering his hand. "It is good to see you." Y/N stares at the offered hand before extending his own. Aqualad again would feel the calming sensation from before.

"Recognized B03, Kid Flash!" "Hey Megalicious, did you miss me?" Kid enters the room dressed in his usual hero gear. In a burst of speed, he speeds over to Megan, placing an elbow on her shoulder. "Want to spend some alone time together." Megan gives a friendly smile. "Good to see you too, Wally." Y/N laughs. He admires the girl for enduring Wally's attempts at flirting. He knew surely if he was in said position he would have punched him.

"Recognized B01, Robin." "Yo," waves Robin. "I am ready for a mission." "Tell me about it." Kid starts to munch on a chocolate bar. "I am getting bored with all this nothing." "I am sure we will get a mission soon," reassures Megan.

"Recognized B04, Superboy." Superboy enters the room. "How did everything go?" Megan's question is never answered. The clone brushes past the entire team. A new voice speaks out, stopping Superboy from leaving the room. "Time for training." The entire team turns around to see two adults walking towards them. Martian Manhunter and Black Canary walk towards the team. Y/N's eyes lock onto Canary's right shoulder. It is bandaged up. That was not there two hours ago when he last saw her.

"Uncle J'onn!" Megan runs over to her uncle, giving him a hug. "What are you doing here?" A large smile is on her face. "I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop by to see how you were doing," smiles the Martian Manhunter. Megan smiles. "I hit a few bumps but I am learning." "That is all I can ask." Superboy sends a jealous glance at Megan and Martian Manhunter. Scowling, he turns to leave. "Stick around," says Canary. "Training is in session." Canary walks to the middle of the room activating the simulation. "I want you to know that I consider it an honor to teach you." She goes to remove her jacket. "I will throw everything at you. Everything that I learned from my own mentors and as well..." she winces in pain, "and my own bruises." "What happened?" asks Megan concerned.

"The job," smirks Canary. "Combat is all about putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting and not reacting. I need a sparring partner." "Oh me!" Kid walks forward with a cocky smirk. Taking one last bite from his banana, he tosses it into the nearby garbage bin. "Once this is over, I'll show you my moves." Canary clears her throat, drawing Kid's attention. "Are you ready?" Kid turns back around, gaining that flirtatious smile. She crouches into a fighting stance. Moving quickly, she throws a straight right punch. Kid easily blocks the punch, but she already predicted that he would and ducked down into a leg sweep that swept Kid's legs out from under him. The speedster hit the ground back first. The words FAIL appear next to him. "Hurt so good," groans Kid. Robin bursts out laughing.

Canary helps Kid up. "Good block, but did you know what you did wrong?" Robin raises his hand. "He hit on the teacher and got schooled!"

Y/N, after Robin would say "He is too overconfident when fighting someone stronger than him," Robin snickered.


"He allowed me to dictate the terms of battle," starts Canary. "Please." She turns around to face Superboy. "With my powers, the battle is always on my terms. I am a living weapon and this is a waste of my time," scowls Superboy.

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