"Okay", I said and walked out to the car. I was acting cold toward Harry because I knew if I just forgave him right now I wouldn't get the point across about how mad I was. I had to be cold towards him sometimes to show, he may control me a lot but I have control over my body and decisions. 

"Where do you want to go to eat?"


"Lana, please don't be like this. I want the actual prom experience to be as pleasant for you as possible and if you act mad at me the whole time this isn't going to be fun for either of us", he said sincerely," I know you aren't too happy about what I am doing but there is more to this than the plan. This is your senior prom. You are about to graduate high school. Lets just make the most of this."

"Okay", I said in a happier tone, it was fake but Harry didn't seem to notice that. I didn't know how to make the best out of this or have fun when I was fully aware of what was to come. I knew what how much pain was going to be caused and that wasn't fun or exciting to me.

"So where do you want eat?"


The restaurant Harry took me to was casual yet still really fancy. It had the nice food that made it seem really fancy but a quiet and casual atmosphere. I loved the lavish lifestyle but the people made it seem so stuffy and pretentious. This restaurant was able to give me the best of the lavish lifestyle and normal people. I ordered food and had planned on eating it but my nerves wear eating me alive. I could not stop worrying and when my nerves were this bad I couldn't stomach any food.

Now we were on our way to the ballroom where prom was and i was dying of nerves know. I felt dizzy and my heart was pounding out of my chest. this was actually happening. Harry parked a little far away so we had to walk which made me even more nervous. All those people in my class seeing Harry and I walk up and judging us, I hated it. I noticed a lot of the popular girls and how fancy their dresses where and i felt under dressed.

" You know you are more beautiful than them right?", Harry whispered in my ear and I smiled.

"Thank you", I said and we kissed making people look our direction. Harry and I didn't look like we belonged together. I was a little girl and he was obviously older than me. It was something that really bothered people but Harry and I were never bothered. We knew that the love we had for each other was more important than what people were thinking.

The decorations were just as over the top as I had imagined and had seen in every other teen high school movie. It was sparkly and fun but it wasn't my style. God knows that if I was in charge of the prom decorations it would be a lot different than it was know. The music was loud and it was most likely going to be the most popular songs on the radio all night. All my fellow students were grinding and dancing together in a way that I was not familiar with.

"Oh my god", I said as I made eye contact with Ty from across the room. He smirked at me and I looked away. I could feel the eyes of all his friends and their girls on me as soon as I looked to Harry. It was all the same people who had tricked me last year. a year ago tomorrow.

"What?", Harry said and looked in that direction I kept my eyes on him as he looked over to them," They all hurt you?"

"Yeah, it was Ty and the two guys hes with are Daniel and Patrick and their girlfriends are Gigi, Katherine, and Trinity", I said introducing him to them from a far and he nodded.

"I remember them", he said and he smirked.

"I knew you would."

"Well", he started the smirk still on his face," You know their destiny."

He giggled a little, which was creepy then pulled me in for a passionate rough kiss. The kiss lasted a long time but the longer it lasted the more comfortable I felt to be here. He pulled away and we both smiled at each other. 

Seeing those kids reminded me of this plan and I was starting to feel okay with it. The way they looked at me and were laughing me brought back a flood of memories. The way they laughed at me tonight was the same way they laughed at me a year ago when they were beating me. The way they stared at me with judgmental eyes was the same way they looked at me when they saw me again after hurting me. It all felt right, I wanted to hurt them the way they hurt me and Harry was giving me the chance to do that. It felt right to be taking this opportunity.

Harry and I sat and watched the dancing for a while until a slow song came on, that slow song was our cue. As we walked onto the dance floor I looked over to the door to see Liam, exactly where he was suppose to be, he smiled at me and I smiled back. I looked around the crowd trying to spot Louis but he was no where in sight which was good. I knew that Zayn was upstairs making sure all the cameras were off so no one would even know we were here.

"So this is official", he said and I could hear a little worry in his voice," Follow my lead okay?"

"Okay", I said in a whisper. There was plenty of people around us and it would terrible if they could hear us. They would know what was up and maybe if they thought anything of it they would tell.

"When you hear the first shot, bring your body closer to mine in fear, we are going to act shocked, scream if you want to. The second one we run to the door , where Liam is. You saw him right?"



"When we get to him start screaming and crying and limp a little so it seems as if something happened to you. He will start consoling you and escort both of us to our car. We go home and that's it okay", he said as we twirled and danced to a slow, romantic song I had never heard before in my life. I'm sure the students around me had heard it before and loved it.

"I love you so so much Lana."

"I love you too Harry", I said and the first gun shot pounded through my ears.

The Blackest Day// Lana Del Rey

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