[Volume: 0 Act: 1] Roland's Rebirth

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After all that has happened to me, all the things I have done in the City and the Library, all the suffering and misery that has tormented me after the only light in my life left me once more, all the horrendous acts I have committed to get some form of compensation for my pain and loss, all the lives I have claimed guilty or innocent, perpetuating the cycle of misery and suffering that keeps turning evermore.

I felt renewed.

Angela... She showed me a different path, one where the eternal cycle of misery can be stopped by just giving forgiveness to those who had wronged you, to realize that the cycle must begin somewhere and that it must end somewhere. I must admit, forgiveness was never in my vocabulary back in the City, since in that world It's either killed or be killed and the philosophy that my love has left me behind is to just ignore the pain and suffering of those around you.

But Angela saw the truth.

She forgave me for what I've done to her, how I've been perfectly holding a facade my entire time in the Library and gained her trust only to betray her and try to kill her before the moment her goals were about to be realized. I was shocked back then, "How could someone just give up when they're in front of the finish line?" but now I realized it, I realized how she could give up her goal at the finish line.

She simply wasn't the same person anymore.

She grew and changed, and she cast away her old self, letting go of all previous doubts and grudges. And I think that after seeing that, it inspired me to change too. After all, if she suffered through millennia of torture I could do too, right? To let go of all my pain and loss to make a new me, one that isn't chained to the past and one who can look forward to and work towards the future.

So who am I then?

Well... I'm not 'Orlando' Roland, the Grade-1 Fixer, The Black Silence, The Stygian Flame. I'm no longer someone who holds a grudge or someone who will just ignore the pain and suffering of others, nor am I Roland DeFranc a regular civilian who loves to laze around, but we both have one common factor. 

Our love for Angelica.

So I think I'll be a new man who'll try and save as many people as possible, preferably with nonviolent means, but I know that cannot save every one for there will be some out of my reach nor do I expect to, there will be those who are too far gone to listen to reason or too insane to care. That's why I'll be a hopeful pragmatist, I'll do the most logical decision that will save the most lives possible, after all "This is that and that is this".

But now I needed to get on my feet and survey my surroundings, seeing as I'm looking up at a shattered moon in the dark skies and a thick forest surrounding me, it was obvious that I'm back in Remnant. But why did I not return to my original location after having one of the dreams? Well, to be fair, the last one I had lasted around a few months with most of it spent in the Library, so I guess that might be one of the causes, or maybe it was because of my self-actualization.

I need to ask someone about this.

I have someone I can ask about this.

'Hey Oracle? Are you still there?'

'It is a pleasure of meeting you again, Roland.' There it is, that smooth mechanical voice that sorts of sounds like BT-7274 from Titanfall 2. Heh, at least I can still remember stuff from Earth clearly, must have been the side effect of eating the fig I got from the job with Olivier. 'I assume you have some questions for me, correct?'

'Exactly.' I got up from the cold grass and checked myself for any injuries or changes. Fortunately, I didn't have any injuries on me surprising as I was wearing a ragged t-shirt and ripped shorts and a book containing Italian poems in my pockets, but unfortunately, it seems like I was aged down to around a 7-year-old and alongside the fact that I have short golden horns pointing forwards protruding out of my skull, it appears that I was turned into a Faunus and an unknown kind at that. 'I know that you can only tell me what I know and information about myself, so tell me what kind of Faunus am I?'

The Black Silence of RemnantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon