Back Into The Emerald Forest

354 7 2

//A. N// = Authors Note

"Text" = Speaking

"Text" = Speaking with Oracle

'Text' = Thinking

*Text* = Sound Effect

-Roland's POV-

I wake up to see that Ruby is currently hugging me like a pillow. And that it is still dark outside.

Roland: 'Damn is she adorable, but I have things to do right now.' I said as I grabbed my scroll and gently pushed Ruby away and headed out of the ballroom.

As I got out of the ballroom, I looked at the skies above, seeing a shattered moon alongside countless stars glimmering like jewels in the sky. I then walked to a nearby bench and sat on it.

Roland: 'Man the skies are so beautiful tonight. But the system should have finished updating by now.' "Hey Oracle, what time is it?"

Oracle: "It is currently 2AM, and you have been asleep for four hours.' 

Roland: "Good to see you again, Oracle. And I want to ask you what did the recalibration do to the system?"

Oracle: "It is good to see you again, User. And for starters, you can now purchase the talents of powers. For example, you can purchase limitless but not purchase the power of Gojo but if you purchase the talent you will not gain the combat experience of the original wielder for it is still tied to the power, also if you decide to purchase a power after purchasing its talent it will be discounted by the cost of the talent."

Roland: "OK. What about examine though?"

Oracle: "A database function has been added to the system and examine is now used automatically, and that data will be added to the database."

Roland: "Good then. Anything else?"

Oracle: "There is now a new way to obtain points. You can now obtain points by fighting stylishly, and I will grade that performance and reward points according to that grade. And there is a new training function added to the system that can be accessed anytime. With a special training function, only available once a month."

Roland: "So where am I supposed to train at this late an hour without alerting anyone?"

Oracle: "I suggest you use your gloves since it contains a pocket dimension within it."

Roland: "Oh right! How did I forget." I said as I snapped my fingers, transporting me into a barren field with a black sun and hazy sky over head. As I looked in front of me, I saw the workshop weapons embedded into the ground.

Roland: "I guess there is no need to be discreet here. Oracle, please turn on the special training function for me." I said as I rolled up my sleeves, and snapped my fingers, causing Durendal to disappear from the ground and reappear right in my hands.

Oracle: "Very well user."

As he said that, a countless horde of Grimm emerged from the ground, consisting of Beringels, Beowolfs, Ursai, 4 Death Stalkers, 6 King Taijitu, 2 Nevermores, and a singular Wyvern.

Roland: "I'll get points from this, right?" I said, as I summoned a clone of myself, using my Semblance with Joyeuse as a base.

Oracle: "Correct assumption also these creatures are at 100% strength so best of luck User"

As He finished saying that, my clone and I rushed towards the horde as I blanketed the battlefield with Black Flames and Suffocating Haze, causing all the Grimm to become disoriented. As I did that, my clone cleaved through the horde using Joyeuse causing all the Grimm to weaken significantly.

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